If your body is often cold, you should drink warm water and wear comfortable winter clothes, but another remedy that always works is using black cardamom, says certified Indian nutritionist Neha Ranglani.
Ms. Neha Ranglani affirmed: “Even though you wear warm clothes but still feel cold, you should carry black cardamom to chew.
Black cardamom has several compounds that stimulate heat production in the body and keep us warm. It also improves blood circulation and blood flow so that heat is evenly distributed. It also balances the kapha and vata doshas in the body, which are associated with feeling cold in winter.”
Sharing the same view, Ms. Kanikka Malhotra - nutritionist and diabetes educator (India) - explained that black cardamom has a smoky and spicy flavor and has the ability to generate heat in the body.
This effect may be due to the bioactive compounds of black cardamom, such as cineole, terpinene and camphor, which are known to stimulate metabolism and improve blood circulation.
These compounds may increase thermogenesis, or the process by which the body produces heat.
In addition, black cardamom has anti-flatulence and digestive properties, can improve gastrointestinal function and stimulate metabolism, indirectly contributing to a feeling of warmth.
Folk medicine also often uses black cardamom combined with other herbs to warm the body, such as combining it with ginger, cinnamon, or some other hot spices in tea or dishes. This can help improve the feeling of cold and help the body feel more comfortable in winter.
According to a 2015 National Institutes of Health study, black cardamom effectively reversed signs of metabolic syndrome.
Among them, black cardamom contains a lot of complex carbohydrates and this ingredient can improve digestive function because dietary fiber reduces obesity.
However, Ms. Kanikka Malhotra notes that scientific studies specifically measuring the thermogenic effect of black cardamom on the body are limited.
Besides, the effects of chewing black cardamom to fight against severe cold may vary depending on each person's physiology.
“If you feel your body getting warmer when you chew black cardamom, it means your body is in tune with its properties,” says Kanikka Malhotra.