New information about patients infected with diphtheria in Thanh Hoa

Trần Lâm |

By this afternoon, the number of close contacts with diphtheria patients in Thanh Hoa had increased to 21 people.

At noon on August 6, talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Trinh Van The - Chairman of the People's Committee of Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa province, said that the district People's Committee has been directing the synchronous implementation of many measures to localize and contain the epidemic. ensure the highest level to prevent diphtheria from spreading.

According to Mr. The, patient Ph.LM was taken to the Central Tropical Diseases Hospital. There are currently 4 cases of close contact with the diphtheria patient with symptoms of sore throat, being quarantined for treatment at the General Hospital. Muong Lat district department and 21 cases of close contact (F1) with the patient have been localized and quarantined at home for monitoring.

Regarding epidemiology, until this afternoon (August 6) there has not been an investigation because the patient Ph.LM is now in her 8th month of pregnancy. During her pregnancy, the patient did not go anywhere from the locality, the patient's husband worked. worker in Bac Ninh but showed no signs of being infected with diphtheria bacteria.

Spraying disinfectant in Muong Lat district. Photo: TL
Spraying disinfectant to prevent diphtheria in Muong Lat district. Photo: TL

Currently, the People's Committee of Muong Lat district is actively coordinating with the Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) of Thanh Hoa province to investigate the epidemiology to find the source of infection.

This morning, Mr. Nguyen Ba Can - Acting Director of the Department of Health went to Muong Lat to directly direct the epidemiological investigation and implement measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

As Lao Dong Newspaper reported , on the evening of August 5, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Center for Disease Control confirmed that patient Ph.LM with an address in Doan Dot Quarter, Muong Lat Town, Muong Lat District had diphtheria. . Staining results from the Provincial Center for Disease Control showed diphtheria bacteria and culture results were positive (+).

Authorities assessed that the epidemic situation in Doan Ket neighborhood, Muong Lat town, Muong Lat district, was complicated due to the discovery of cases with unknown sources of infection; Along with the results of full vaccination in recent years, Muong Lat has not met the requirements due to the impact of the COVID - 19 epidemic and the scarcity of vaccines containing diphtheria components. If not well controlled, there will be a risk of outbreaks. outbreak.

Therefore, the Center for Disease Control of Thanh Hoa province has proposed that the Steering Committee for Disease Prevention and Control of Muong Lat district develop a plan to prevent diphtheria epidemic, including continuing to trace contacts and clean the patient's housing environment. core and surrounding area with Chloramin B with a concentration of 0.1% active chlorine...; Assign staff to directly direct, support, monitor and handle outbreaks according to regulations.

Muong Lat District People's Committee has directed Muong Lat District Health Center to carry out epidemiological surveillance and investigation; conduct investigation, supervision and make a list of F1 cases; Instructions for treating the environment with Chloramin B with a concentration of 0.1% active chlorine in the patient's home area and in cases of contact with the patient.

Muong Lat District Health Center and Muong Lat Town Health Station have been strengthening communication work on measures to prevent and control diphtheria; Take samples of suspected F1 cases to send for staining to the Provincial Center for Disease Control and the Central Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology for diagnostic testing.

Trần Lâm

Dịch bạch hầu ở Thanh Hóa diễn biến phức tạp

Trần Lâm |

Đến sáng nay (6.8), đã phát hiện thêm 4 trường hợp ở Thanh Hóa tiếp xúc gần với bệnh nhân bạch hầu có biểu hiện đau họng và 15 trường hợp tiếp xúc gần (F1).

Xác định bệnh nhân mắc bạch hầu tại Thanh Hóa

Trần Lâm |

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Quảng Bình chủ động phòng bệnh bạch hầu từ xa


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Sẽ xử lý vụ đăng video "Quả báo Làng Nủ Lào Cai"

Huyền Chi - Hoài Anh |

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The diphtheria epidemic in Thanh Hoa is complicated

Trần Lâm |

As of this morning (August 6), 4 more cases in Thanh Hoa were discovered in close contact with a diphtheria patient with symptoms of sore throat and 15 cases of close contact (F1).

Identifying patients with diphtheria in Thanh Hoa

Trần Lâm |

A suspected case of diphtheria in Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa tested positive.

Quang Binh proactively prevents diphtheria from afar


Director of the Quang Binh Center for Disease Control Do Quoc Tiep said that he will propagate people to proactively prevent diphtheria from afar.