Foods containing vitamin B12 help prolong life


Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that helps maintain overall health and supports blood formation, nerve function, and DNA production.


Salmon is one of the richest sources of vitamin B12, containing about 7.9 micrograms of B12 per 100 grams. According to the American Heart Association, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve brain function, and fight inflammation. Research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health shows that maintaining healthy levels of B12 and omega-3 through salmon consumption can help prolong life and improve quality of life.


Beef, especially lean beef, is also a rich source of vitamin B12, with about 2.6 micrograms of B12 per 100 grams. Studies from the US National Institute of Nutrition (USDA) show that consuming red meat such as beef helps improve hemoglobin levels, support the immune system and ensure the functioning of the nervous system. Although red meat consumption should be limited to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, eating a moderate amount will effectively provide B12, helping to prevent diseases related to B12 deficiency such as memory loss and weakness.


Scallops are a top source of vitamin B12, with 98.9 micrograms of B12 per 100 grams, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They are a nutrient-dense food that not only provides B12, but also zinc, iron, and other important minerals. Adding scallops to your diet may help support blood formation, improve nerve function, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In summary, maintaining a diet rich in vitamin B12-rich foods such as salmon, beef, and scallops can help improve overall health, prevent age-related diseases, and prolong life. Health organizations recommend that maintaining B12 levels in the body is an important factor in protecting long-term health and promoting longevity.


Những loại vitamin cần hạn chế dùng khi mang thai

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

Sử dụng quá nhiều vitamin không theo chế độ khoa học trong thời kì mang thai có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của mẹ và bé.

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Những quả chứa vitamin B12 có giúp đào thải axit uric không?

Nhóm PV (Theo The Healthsite) |

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Vitamins to limit during pregnancy

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

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Do fruits containing vitamin B12 help eliminate uric acid?

Nhóm PV (Theo The Healthsite) |

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