Foods with a low glycemic index help with weight loss

Thanh Thanh |

The Eat this not that page offers a list of foods with a low glycemic index (GI) that help you lose weight.

Foods with a low glycemic index are beneficial for weight loss because they do not cause blood sugar levels to spike. A rapid increase in blood sugar can trigger the release of cortisol, increasing belly fat.


Strawberries have a glycemic index of about 40. This fruit is suitable for satisfying sweet cravings because it is rich in fiber and low in calories.

Strawberries are beneficial for weight loss because they contain the phytochemical C3G which increases adiponectin production, which can enhance fat and leptin metabolism, suppressing appetite.

You can add strawberries to yogurt, cereals, salads, and smoothies to increase the flavor and nutrition of the dish.


Salmon is high in protein and contains no carbohydrates, so it will keep you full without increasing blood sugar. Therefore, you won't eat too many refined carbs or candy right after.

An 85-gram serving of salmon contains about 17 grams of protein with only 108 calories. This fish also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. This is important when it comes to weight loss because inflammation makes weight loss more difficult.


Chicken eggs have a glycemic index of 0. Therefore, eggs are a suitable choice to satisfy hunger and support weight loss. The longer you stay full, the less likely you are to overeat.

Eggs are also a source of choline, which prevents visceral fat gain. Enjoy fried eggs for breakfast, egg salad for lunch or snack on hard-boiled eggs.

Bok choy

Bok choy is not only a low-glycemic food, but also low in calories. You can add bok choy to soup to control portion sizes and aid weight loss.

In addition, bok choy is a source of quercetin, which helps reduce inflammation in the body, prevents aging and makes weight loss easier.

Greek yogurt

A 200-gram box of Greek yogurt contains about 20 grams of protein and 146 calories. Eating a meal rich in protein can help people eat less during the day. In addition, beneficial bacteria in yogurt help improve intestinal microflora, supporting weight loss.

Mix fruit into Greek yogurt for a snack or breakfast. You can also make yogurt popsicles using a mold and mix with sliced ​​fruit or add to your favorite smoothie for a boost of protein and calcium.

Thanh Thanh

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