Caring for children

Benefits of hugging children


Parents should show love and care by hugging their children regularly. This is an act not only to help strengthen the affection between parents and children but also brings many surprising benefits.

3 criteria for choosing the right sleeping pad for children


Choosing the right cushion is quite important to help children sleep well and deeply. the body develops healthily.

The secret to helping children not to cry at night


Some of the following tips will help parents no longer have to worry or worry about children crying at night.

3 things parents should do to help their children relieve pressure after the high school graduation exam


After the stressful high school graduation exam, parents should pay attention and care for their children to help reduce pressure.

From Britney Spears' scandal: How is raising children correct?


The incident that singer Britney Spears has to go through is also a warning for parents in their parenting methods.

Should you massage children regularly?


Proper and suitable massage for young children is one of the top concerns of mothers.

2 basic principles for properly preserving breast milk


Mothers need to pay attention to 2 basic principles in how to preserve breast milk when using a breast pump.

Children will be dangerous if they do these 3 things on a peak hot day


It is important to note and instruct children not to do the following 3 things during the hot peak days of summer.

What should parents do in the "child crisis week"?


"Child crisis week" is the period when parents face many difficulties in raising their children.

2 things to note when feeding your baby


The time when children eat star apple is important for their development and absorption of nutrients, so mothers need to pay attention to the following 2 points.

The secret to lure children to sleep quickly and effectively


Some tips to help mothers not have to worry too much to lure their children to sleep at night.

3 basic things to avoid with newborns


Note some of the following points that should not be done to newborns to ensure that they develop healthily, intelligently...

3 benefits of grandparents supporting child care


Some benefits when the family is lucky to have the support of both sides, especially in taking care of the children.

Things to note before feeding your baby


When children are old enough to eat, mothers need to pay attention to a few things below to help prepare the most simple and convenient food.

Tips for quickly treating impetigo for children


Some tips to treat sputum spotting below will help mothers quickly and promptly treat their babies.