Châu Âu

Why Europe is suffering from catastrophic floods

Thanh Hà |

The storm that hit Central and Eastern Europe, causing historic flooding, was caused by an unusual combination of meteorological factors.

Close-up of severe floods sweeping Central and Eastern Europe

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: AFP) |

Central and Eastern European countries are experiencing historic flooding caused by Storm Boris.

Once-in-a-century heavy rains cause historic floods in Europe

Thanh Hà |

Heavy rains in Central and Eastern Europe, some places recording the heaviest rainfall in 100 years in 24 hours, caused severe flooding, killing at least 8 people.

Vietnamese customers shocked by bowl of pho for nearly 900,000 VND in Europe

Nguyễn Đạt |

A Vietnamese customer after enjoying pho in Switzerland said that the quality of the food did not match the price.

Russia warns the US about the risk of World War 3

Ngọc Vân |

Russia believes that the West is playing with fire and warns America that World War 3 will not be limited to Europe.

The rapid growth of electric vehicle adoption in Europe

Anh Vũ |

For countries with the world's leading rates of electric vehicle adoption , such as Norway or Sweden, electric vehicles are an attractive new trend in Europe.

Europe's super chip project has been revealed

Văn Thắng |

ESMC - a joint venture between Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, China (TSMC), Bosch, Infineon and NXP completed construction of a high-performance chip factory in Dresden, Saxony, Germany.

Gazprom Russia's gas exports increased sharply to Europe

Ngọc Vân |

Russian oil and gas corporation Gazprom still regularly exports gas to Europe, reaching the highest level in July.

Donald Trump's policies if re-elected

Bùi Đức |

Mr. Donald Trump is expected to make many policy changes in relations between the US and many countries, including European allies and China, if re-elected.

Meta refuses to supply AI to Europe

Anh Vũ |

Meta has decided not to make its upcoming multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) models available to the European market yet.

Choose your own path

Thanh Hà |

At a time when overcrowded European destinations are imposing restrictions and charging tourists : Venice charges tourists to visit the city during the day; Barcelona is about to ban vacation rentals; Majorca restricts alcohol sales..., Copenhagen tries a different approach, rewarding tourists who act responsibly.

Europe faces new oil and gas risk

Song Minh |

Extreme temperatures threaten the operation of refineries in Europe.

Châu Âu trước những lối rẽ

Ngạc Ngư |

Châu Âu tiếp tục chứng tỏ là khu vực chuyển biến sôi động và khó lường nhất trên thế giới hiện tại về nhiều phương diện.

Phát hiện mỏ khoáng sản lớn nhất châu Âu, quan trọng hơn cả dầu khí

Thanh Hà |

Công ty khai thác đất hiếm Rare Earths Na Uy cho biết đã phát hiện ra trữ lượng đất hiếm có giá trị cao lớn nhất châu Âu. Phát hiện này có khả năng là bước ngoặt lớn với Na Uy cũng như cả khu vực.

Cục diện quyền lực lại xáo trộn

Ngạc Ngư |

Cuộc bầu cử Nghị viện châu Âu (EP) năm nay kéo dài từ ngày 6 đến ngày 9.6. Hơn 373 triệu cử tri trong 27 thành viên EU được kêu gọi đi bầu 720 vị dân biểu của EP.