Gia Lai

Public results of the case of 21 students suspected of being poisoned by milk tea


Gia Lai – Food safety violations related to the suspected milk tea poisoning case in Pleiku city (if any) will soon be made public to warn the community.

Timely rewards for employees to dare to think and dare to do


Gia Lai - Gia Lai Provincial Trade Union focuses on the grassroots level, promptly rewards union members and workers to promote creativity, dare to think and dare to do.

Clarifying the suspected milk tea poisoning case that caused 21 students to have stomach aches


Gia Lai – After drinking milk tea at a Mid-Autumn Festival party, 21 students showed signs of food poisoning with symptoms of nausea and stomachache.

Doctor in Gia Lai received the Creative Labor Certificate 10 times


Gia Lai – Dr. Pham Ty's medical innovations and technical improvements not only save the lives of many patients but also help them reduce treatment costs significantly.

Policy capital awakens poor land of Chu Se

Minh Uyên |

From a poor rural area, Chu Se district (Gia Lai) has developed rapidly, strongly and sustainably, becoming the southern driving force of the province. This result is thanks to the political determination of local leaders, as well as the effective implementation of solutions and investment resources throughout the area, including preferential policy capital.

Disciplinary action against officials last week in An Giang, Ha Giang, Gia Lai


Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Council Le Van Nung, Chairman of Ha Giang Provincial People's Committee and many officials were disciplined... is information about official discipline last week (September 9-14).

Approval of Mr. Rah Lan Chung to hold the position of Chairman of Gia Lai province


The Prime Minister has approved the election results for the position of Chairman of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee for Mr. Rah Lan Chung, Deputy Secretary of Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee.

Gia Lai has 3 facilities emitting greenhouse gases


Gia Lai - Inventory of greenhouse gas emission facilities to ensure environmental safety and avoid the risk of pollution .

Gia Lai determined to preserve forests to generate income from carbon credits


At a recent working session with Gia Lai province, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan affirmed that Gia Lai has a large area of ​​natural forest, and protecting the green color of the forest will gain profits from selling carbon credits .

Convey environmental protection messages to union officials


The Trade Union will play an active role in promoting and raising awareness of the environment, occupational safety and hygiene... for workers.

Consulting and supporting tens of thousands of Gia Lai workers


The job exchange in Gia Lai has become a "midwife" for thousands of unemployed workers... to find many stable jobs with good income to increase income for themselves and their families.

Gia Lai invests resources to retain talent for the health sector


Gia Lai invests resources in the health sector , avoiding the brain drain of good doctors from public hospitals to private hospitals.