Nông nghiệp

Rice fields are full of collapsed rice, Chairman of Bac Lieu goes to inspect


Over 200 hectares of rice were completely destroyed and could not be harvested. Thousands of hectares of rice fell down. The Chairman of Bac Lieu was anxious and went directly to inspect and encourage the farmers.

Many proposals to support the agricultural sector to recover after storm No. 3

Phong Nguyễn |

Storm No. 3 and its aftermath caused heavy damage to people and property, with many areas of rice, crops, and aquatic products being flooded and damaged. In order to promptly stabilize production activities, people and businesses immediately began to overcome the consequences, to soon bring agricultural production back to normal.

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh receives additional duties


Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh was assigned to be Head of the 2025 Rural and Agricultural Census.

Experience after harvesting high quality rice crops in Can Tho

Quang Linh |

Harvesting high-quality rice in Can Tho shows positive economic and environmental signs, but also helps draw lessons from experience.

The generation of Mekong Delta students remembers the memory of Professor Vo Tong Xuan


Simple, close, with a deep love for farmers, rice plants and the land of the Mekong Delta ... are what generations of students and colleagues think of when talking about Professor Vo Tong Xuan .

Vo Tong Xuan - Vietnamese scientist with many noble titles

Tùng Linh |

Professor Vo Tong Xuan believes that these titles are not to enrich personal resumes but are the achievements of many generations of Vietnamese students and rice farmers.

“Rice Doctor” Vo Tong Xuan

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

It would be incomplete to call Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan a rice scientist. Because for him, research is not to enrich a scientific resume, but to reduce the hardships of rice growers like a doctor who heals the disadvantages of farmers who "sell their faces to the land, their backs to the sky." .

Professor Vo Tong Xuan - devoted his life to Vietnamese agriculture

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Even though he has passed away , Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan still leaves behind many legacies for life. That is the heart of a lifelong teacher for Vietnamese agriculture ...

Left the city to return to the countryside with the dream of farming


Giving up a stable job with a high income, the young engineer returned to his hometown to work in agriculture with black grapes and tourism.

Expected solution to the rice paradox

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Although Vietnam is the world's leading rice exporter, paradoxes in the rice industry still exist and cause many concerns.

Up-close look at the 25 billion VND irrigation reservoir in Điện Biên nearing completion


A reservoir in Điện Biên Province has a total investment of VND 250 trillion, serving the irrigation needs for 462 hectares of agricultural land, which is expected to be completed and put into operation soon.

Agriculture sector makes breakthroughs in the early months of 2024


Agricultural sector in the first 6 months of 2024 maintained a fairly high growth rate, affirming its role as a pillar of the economy.

Giá nông sản tăng, nông dân vẫn không lãi nhiều


Nắng nóng, hạn mặn kéo dài đã ảnh hưởng đến năng suất nông sản dẫn đến giá các loại tăng cao. Dù vậy, nông dân vẫn không có lãi nhiều vì chi phí đầu tư khá cao.

Ông giám đốc của nhà nông

Khắc Hiển |

Ở 2 tỉnh Hà Tĩnh và Nghệ An, bà con nông dân và lãnh đạo ở nhiều xí nghiệp chè có mối quan hệ rất mật thiết với Công ty TNHH Vật tư Kỹ thuật Nông nghiệp Hà Tĩnh. Họ gọi Giám đốc Võ Thanh Hải với biệt danh trìu mến: “Người bạn tốt của nhà nông”.

Công nhân nhận giặm lúa thuê để kiếm tiền đưa gia đình đi du lịch


Để có thêm khoản tiền đưa gia đình đi du lịch trong mùa hè này, chị Nguyễn Thị Đến (công nhân công ty may mặc tại tỉnh Hậu Giang) tranh thủ nhận giặm lúa thuê.