LD 24066: Borrowed house to hold funeral for wife and 2 children who died in landslide

Minh Nguyễn - Vân Anh |

Hoa Binh - The landslide in Da Bac district took the lives of 4 people in a family, including the mother-in-law, wife and 2 young children of Mr. Ha Van Tien.

The loss is too great

As reported, at around 0:45 on September 7, a landslide suddenly occurred, causing the house of Mr. Xa Van Som (born in 1973, Cham hamlet, Tan Minh commune, Da Bac district) to collapse completely. At that time, there were 5 people in the house, only Mr. Som escaped.

The four people who died included Mrs. X.T.X (Mr. Som's wife, born in 1975), Ms. X.T.X (daughter, born in 1996), grandchildren H.V.H (born in 2017) and H.T.D (born in 2023), all of whom are Mr. Som's grandchildren.

Returning to Cham hamlet a week after the tragic incident, the atmosphere of mourning and grief is covering the entire poor hamlet. The small house that used to be a family's home has now become a pile of rubble, covered in mud.

Along with that, tears kept falling, mixed with heavy sighs from everyone, creating a sorrowful atmosphere that covered the whole neighborhood. Relatives, friends, and neighbors still could not believe the truth before their eyes...

Hien truong vu sat lo khien 4 nguoi trong 1 gia dinh tu vong. Anh: Minh Nguyen
Scene of the landslide that killed 4 people in a family. Photo: Minh Nguyen

Choking up, Mr. Ha Van Tien (born in 1992, Mr. Som's son-in-law) painfully shared with the reporter: "My wife and I got married in 2015, have 2 children and live with my grandparents' family. Family life is so difficult because we only depend on the fields.

Recently, feeling sorry for my wife and children who had been living with my grandparents for many years, I went to Hanoi to work for a clean stone factory with a salary of 8 million VND/month, hoping to save up to support my wife and children, and with the remaining money, build a house to live in. But not long after, I heard the bad news...".

Mr. Tien said the loss was too great, for now, he just hopes to be able to take care of his deceased relatives.

His parents-in-law's house, which was already in bad shape, also collapsed. Now his only small wish is to work hard, save some money to rebuild the house for the two of them to depend on, and to burn incense for his wife, children and mother-in-law.

Had to ask relatives to organize the funeral

Mr. Quach Cong Khang, Chairman of Tan Minh Commune People's Committee, informed that upon receiving the news of the landslide, rescue forces immediately set out. However, due to heavy rain, muddy roads, and fallen trees blocking the way, the journey to the scene became difficult.

According to Mr. Khang, it was not until dawn, when the rain had not stopped, that they found Mr. Som alive. But the faint hope of survival for the remaining people was extinguished when the bodies of Mr. Som's wife, daughter and two grandchildren were found a few hours later.

Ong Xa Van Som (ao xanh) cung nguoi than dau don moi khi nho lai khoanh khac vu sat lo. Anh: Viet Dao
Mr. Xa Van Som (in blue shirt) and his relatives are in pain every time they recall the moment of the landslide. Photo: Viet Dao

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Luong Van Hoan, Head of Cham hamlet, said that Mr. Som's family had just escaped poverty for 2 years but their economy was still facing many difficulties because they only depended on farming. The house they saved up to build in 2020 is now just a pile of rubble after the landslide.

According to Mr. Hoan, the two surviving members of the family are currently staying at Mr. Som’s younger brother’s house. The funerals of the unfortunate victims were also held there.

"Cham Hamlet has 131 households, of which 40% are poor. People's lives mainly depend on agriculture and forestry, freelance work, and a few work as workers in neighboring provinces" - the hamlet chief informed.

According to the head of Cham hamlet, he hopes that organizations, individuals, and philanthropists will pay attention and help the extremely difficult situation of Mr. Xa Van Som's family.

Any help for the life of LD 24066 - please send to the Golden Heart Social Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or scan the QR code:

Or send to account number 0564916953 - MBBANK, recipient Ha Van Tien.

Minh Nguyễn - Vân Anh

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