Mr. Donald Trump appeared for the first time after his attempted assassination

Thanh Hà |

Mr. Donald Trump left to attend the Republican National Convention on July 15 after escaping death in a failed assassination attempt on July 13.

Mr. Donald Trump said he will arrive in Milwaukee on July 14, local time, where the Republican Congress will take place to officially elect him as the presidential candidate after the failed assassination attempt that aggravated the political situation of gay division. harsh in America.

"I was going to postpone my trip to Wisconsin and the Republican National Convention by two days, but just decided that I couldn't let a potential shooter or assassin force me to change my schedule." program or anything else. Therefore, I will go to Milwaukee as scheduled," Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social on July 14.

Mr. Trump, 78 years old, was campaigning in Butler, Pennsylvania - one of the most competitive states in the US Presidential election on November 5 - when he was shot in the right ear, causing a mark on his face. blood. According to Mr. Trump's campaign, the former US President is healthy and has no major injuries other than the wound in his right ear.

Mr. Trump will receive the official nomination as presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention opening in Milwaukee on July 15.

Mr. Michael Whatley - Chairman of the Republican National Committee - said on Fox News Sunday that US officials are cooperating to protect the convention venue. Officials have also been preparing security for months for the convention.

Former US President Donald Trump's plane landed at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport, Wisconsin, on July 14, one day after a failed assassination attempt during an election campaign in Pennsylvania. Photo: AFP
Former US President Donald Trump's plane landed at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport, Wisconsin, on July 14, one day after a failed assassination attempt during an election campaign in Pennsylvania. Photo: AFP

According to Reuters, no security changes are planned for the Republican National Convention despite the assassination attempt on Donald Trump .

The report said US federal officials responsible for security at the Republican convention in Milwaukee do not plan to make any changes to security protocols following the assassination attempt on the candidate. member Donald Trump.

“We are confident in our security plans for this event and we are ready to get started. We do not anticipate any changes in terms of security" - Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, coordinator of the US Secret Service in charge of the congress, said.

Reuters pointed out that this statement shows that US officials are eager to ease security concerns at the Republican convention . US Secret Service and US police officials also emphasized that no clear threat has been identified to the Republican National Convention.

The 4-day congress is expected to attract more than 50,000 attendees. The Republican convention is scheduled to take place at the arena that is home to the NBA team Milwaukee Bucks.

“We feel very comfortable working with the US Secret Service. We work with 40 different law enforcement agencies on security implementation,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley.

Mr. Whatley called on the Republican Party to take advantage of this moment as an opportunity to unite and overcome partisan divisions.

Senator Chris Coons of Delaware - a key ally of President Joe Biden - said that violence against Mr. Donald Trump will push the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to increase security, in which the Democratic Party will held a party convention in Chicago in August.

"We need to be more attentive and dedicated than ever in ensuring that the two conventions and the rest of this presidential election campaign take place safely," he told NBC News.

Thanh Hà

Cơ hội thắng cử của ông Trump tăng vọt sau vụ ám sát hụt

Ngọc Vân |

Các nhà đầu tư tăng vọt đặt cược vào chiến thắng bầu cử của ông Donald Trump sau vụ ám sát hụt.

Hồ sơ về Thomas Matthew Crooks - nghi phạm ám sát ông Trump

Thanh Hà |

FBI xác định Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 tuổi, ở Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, là nghi phạm trong vụ ám sát cựu Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump ngày 13.7, giờ địa phương.

Ông Trump kể lại khoảnh khắc bị trúng đạn

Song Minh |

Cựu Tổng thống Donald Trump cho biết ông bị một viên đạn bắn trúng phần trên tai phải.

Khu vực ven sông Hồng ngổn ngang rác thải sau khi nước lũ rút

Việt Anh - Hoàng Xuyến |

Dù nước sông Hồng đã rút, nhưng khu vực gần cầu Long Biên, cầu Chương Dương (Hà Nội) mọi thứ vẫn còn ngổn ngang.

Phê chuẩn ông Lê Ngọc Châu làm Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hải Dương


Thủ tướng Chính phủ đã phê chuẩn kết quả bầu chức vụ Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hải Dương đối với ông Lê Ngọc Châu.

Tháo gỡ cho dự án, đất đai trong kết luận thanh tra, bản án


Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh, quan trọng nhất là xác định đúng người, rõ việc trong tổ chức tháo gỡ cho dự án, đất đai trong kết luận thanh tra, bản án.

Dân phố cổ Hội An chưa mặn mà đón khách thuê homestay

Hoàng Bin |

Sau hơn 4 tháng thí điểm mô hình đón khách lưu trú trải nghiệm cùng cư dân phố cổ Hội An, chỉ có 1 hộ dân đăng ký loại hình này.

Thi thể trôi sông được xác định là nạn nhân sập cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Thi thể nam giới phát hiện trưa 16.9 trên sông Hồng được xác định là nạn nhân mất tích trong vụ sập cầu Phong Châu.