Handover of the position of Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of Military Region 3
On March 7, the Party Committee and Command of Military Region 3 held a conference to hand over the positions of Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Military Region.
Implementing the decision of the Prime Minister, Lieutenant General Nguyen Quang Cuong - Party Secretary, Political Commissar of Military Region 3 - retired according to the regime.
Handover of the duties of Commander of Yen Bai Military Command
On March 7, the Yen Bai Provincial Military Command held a conference to hand over the duties of the Commander of the Provincial Military Command.
Implementing the decisions of the Minister of National Defense, Colonel Tran Cong Ung - Commander of the Yen Bai Provincial Military Command - retired from work.
Colonel Nguyen Quoc Trieu - Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff of the Provincial Military Command - received the assignment of Commander of the Provincial Military Command.

Political Commissar of Military Region 7 is allowed to retire according to the regime
On March 6, the Party Committee of the Military Region 7 Command held a conference to hand over the position of Party Secretary and Political Commissar of Military Region 7.
Implementing Decision No. 59/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, Lieutenant General Tran Hoai Trung - Political Commissar of Military Region 7 is allowed to retire according to the regime.
Coast Guard Region 2 Political Commissar to retire
On March 3, the Coast Guard Region 2 Command held a conference to hand over the duties and responsibilities of the Party Committee Secretary and Political Commissar of the Coast Guard Region 2 Command.
According to the decision of the Minister of National Defense, Colonel Le Huy Sinh - Political Commissar of Coast Guard Region 2 - will retire pending retirement.