Ministry of Public Security: Establishing a data development fund is necessary


According to Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang, the establishment of a data development fund is necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the State Budget Law.

On the afternoon of October 14, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the draft Data Law.

Presenting the Government's proposal, Politburo member, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang - Minister of Public Security - clearly stated the purpose and viewpoint of drafting the bill.

The Draft Law on Data consists of 7 chapters and 67 articles, in which, in terms of scope of regulation, this draft law regulates the construction, development, processing, and management of data; application of science and technology in data processing.

Along with that are the national comprehensive database; national data center; data products and services; state management of data; responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals related to data activities.

Notably, the bill stipulates that the national data development fund is a non-budgetary state financial fund, established at the central level to mobilize social resources to support the construction, development, exploitation, application, and management of national data.

The National Data Development Fund is formed from financial support, aid, and voluntary contributions from domestic and foreign organizations, businesses, and individuals; and from other sources as prescribed by law.

The fund is expected to be prioritized for supporting businesses in applying artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, semiconductor technology, blockchain, Internet of Things and other high technologies in data processing; supporting training of human resources for data processing and management at national data centers.

Uy ban Thuong vu Quoc hoi cho y kien ve du an Luat Du lieu. Anh:
The National Assembly Standing Committee gives opinions on the Data Law project. Photo:

Examining this content, Chairman of the National Defense and Security Committee Le Tan Toi said that the Committee basically agreed on the regulation that the national data development fund is a non-budgetary state financial fund, formed at the central level to mobilize social resources to support the construction and development of national data.

There are opinions that it is necessary to clarify the legal basis and practical basis for establishing this fund; clarify the financial sources for forming the fund; clearly stipulate the activities that are funded from the state budget, and the activities that are funded from the fund to ensure clarity and transparency.

Explaining the proposal for a national data development fund, Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang said that the state budget allocated for general digital transformation activities and data development is still limited.

Therefore, Minister Luong Tam Quang proposed this fund to promote data application and digital transformation in regions, areas and areas with difficult socio-economic conditions, especially research on solutions to increase data protection.

The Minister of Public Security said that he will report to the Government that there should be regulations on the national data development fund to mobilize social resources for the construction and development of national data.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang emphasized that the establishment of this fund is necessary and in accordance with the provisions of the State Budget Law. At the same time, the regulations will be reviewed and adjusted to clearly define the principles of operation of the fund to ensure that it is not for profit.


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