Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Cao Huy signed Official Letter No. 414/BNV-VTLTNN to the People's Committees of provinces and cities on strengthening the management of document and archive work in the process of restructuring the apparatus of the political system.
For heads of administrative agencies, organizations and units, the Ministry of Home Affairs requests heads of agencies, organizations, Chairmen of People's Committees at district and commune levels to be responsible for ensuring the safety of documents and database documents under their management authority according to the provisions of law throughout the process of restructuring the apparatus until the documents and database documents are handed over to the Provincial Historical archives and competent agencies and organizations after restructuring the apparatus.
Direct units and individuals to compile statistics, package records and documents on completed work and records and documents on unfinished work (make a list of unfinished work for each unit).
Assign units and individuals to synthesize and compile a list of unfinished tasks of agencies and organizations; have records and documents with separate packaging and gathering to submit to the Agency's archives.
Direct the Agency's archiving to compile statistics, package documents at rooms and warehouses and guide units and individuals to compile statistics, package records and documents that have not been submitted to rooms and warehouses; receive records and documents of units and individuals and gather them for centralized storage. It is necessary to note, collect separately and have clear notes for unfinished records and documents.
Arrange necessary warehouses, equipment, and human resources to protect and preserve the safety of documents until the documents are handed over to competent management agencies and organizations after the restructuring of the apparatus.
Direct the unit to manage and operate the Statistical System, confirm the number of documents, document databases of completed work and unfinished work; zoning data on the System or extracting data to storage devices and ensuring the safety and integrity of documents and databases until handed over to the Provincial Historical Museum or competent authorities and organizations after restructuring the apparatus.
The Chairman of the District People's Committee assigned the Department of Internal Affairs to advise on arranging warehouses and necessary equipment to gather and store documents for the safety of specialized agencies under the District People's Committee; arrange forces to protect document safety until the documents are handed over to competent management agencies and organizations after the restructuring of the apparatus.
Immediately after completing the organizational arrangement, the head of the new agency, organization, or administrative unit needs to promptly direct:
Register to open a new or reopen an account of an organization, leader, or document on the System to ensure the issuance and receipt of documents; register to issue seals and digital signature certificates for public service according to regulations.
Coordinate with the Provincial Historical archive, the system management and operation unit and related units and individuals to receive documents and database on unfinished work under their management authority for further settlement.
Receive documents, database of documents under the management authority and documents at rooms and warehouses in the management area; coordinate with the Historical Archives to develop a professional handling plan for that document block.