The Ministry of Home Affairs talks about policy solutions for redundant civil servants


The settlement of redundant regimes and policies for cadres, civil servants and public employees in administrative units has been specifically regulated.

Policies for officials, civil servants, public employees, and redundant workers after the merger of district and commune-level administrative units have received the attention of many readers.

Reader Thanh Vinh asked: Currently, how specifically is the arrangement of administrative units and policies for officials after the arrangement?

Hanoi voters suggest that when implementing Resolution No. 35/2023 of the 15th National Assembly Standing Committee on the arrangement of district and commune-level administrative units in the 2023-2030 period, we must be careful step by step, strictly, especially staff work.

In addition, the naming of new units and the management of public assets have specific instructions on the arrangement of the positions of heads, deputies and members of the People's Council Committees when arranging administrative units.

Responding to this content, on the Electronic Information Portal, the Ministry of Home Affairs said: The process of building and submitting to competent authorities on continuing to arrange administrative units at district and commune levels The period 2023 - 2030 has been carefully, carefully and closely studied by the Ministry of Home Affairs in coordination with relevant agencies and localities.

On that basis, the Politburo issued Conclusion No. 48-KL/TW, the National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 35/2023/UBTVQH15 and the Government issued Resolution No. 117/NQ- CP.

Ministries and central agencies have issued early, complete and synchronous documents guiding implementation, including step-by-step implementation in 2 phases (period 2023-2025 and period 2026- 2030) to facilitate central agencies and localities in the process of implementing the Party's major policy on arranging administrative units at district and commune levels for the period 2023 - 2030.

Regarding the arrangement and consolidation of organizational apparatus and resolution of redundant regimes and policies for cadres, civil servants , public employees, and workers in administrative units implementing the arrangement, it has been specifically prescribed. can be found in Article 10, Article 11, Article 12 of Resolution No. 35/2023; Document No. 26-HD/BTCTW dated November 30, 2023 of the Central Organizing Committee and Document No. 4099/HD-BNV dated July 29, 2023 of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

At the questioning session of ministers and industry heads on the implementation of 6 resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee on thematic supervision and questioning from the beginning of the 15th National Assembly term to the end of 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra said that by merging districts and communes in the period 2023-2025, the expected number of redundant officials and civil servants is 21,800 people. The resolution of this number of redundant officials and civil servants will be carried out within 5 years and by 2030 this number must be completely resolved.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has advised the Government to issue Decree 29/2023 on staff streamlining, which sets aside a section for arranging redundant cadres and civil servants when arranging administrative positions at district and commune levels.

In addition, currently 46/54 localities in the arrangement have resolutions from the People's Council to provide additional support in addition to the general regulations of the Government. "The funding source for localities to deal with this redundant policy regime is very large" - said the Minister of Home Affairs.


Nhanh chóng giải quyết chế độ cho cán bộ, công chức dôi dư

Lan Nhi |

Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn đề nghị, Bộ Nội vụ tiếp tục hoàn thành việc sắp xếp, giải quyết chế độ, chính sách đối với cán bộ, công chức dôi dư.

Bộ trưởng Bộ Nội vụ nói về việc sắp xếp cán bộ dôi dư


Bộ trưởng Bộ Nội vụ cho biết, giai đoạn vừa qua việc sắp xếp đơn vị hành chính cấp huyện, cấp xã và số cán bộ dôi dư đã cơ bản hoàn thành.

Sắp xếp cán bộ, công chức dôi dư khi gộp phường ở Phan Thiết


Bình Thuận - Khi 5 phường ở Phan Thiết nhập lại thành 2 phường, sẽ dôi dư 74 người là cán bộ, công chức, người hoạt động không chuyên trách cấp xã, khu phố.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Quảng Ninh chi 1.000 tỉ đồng khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh đã thống nhất chủ trương dành 1.000 tỉ đồng từ nguồn tiết kiệm chi thường xuyên cho khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3.

Cháy nhà trong ngõ nhỏ tại Cầu Giấy, khói cao hàng chục mét


Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

Giám định nguyên nhân, phân định trách nhiệm vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Bộ Xây dựng vừa có công văn gửi UBND tỉnh Phú Thọ về việc giải quyết sự cố công trình cầu Phong Châu.

Quickly resolve benefits for redundant officials and civil servants

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man proposed that the Ministry of Home Affairs continue to complete the arrangement and settlement of regimes and policies for redundant officials and civil servants.

The Minister of Home Affairs talked about arranging redundant staff


The Minister of Home Affairs said that in the recent period, the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels and the number of redundant officials has been basically completed.

Arrange redundant cadres and civil servants when merging wards in Phan Thiet


Binh Thuan - When 5 wards in Phan Thiet merge into 2 wards, there will be a surplus of 74 people who are officials, civil servants, and part-time workers at the commune and neighborhood level.