Voters proposed adding the title of Commune Party Committee Office


According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the addition of the title of Commune-level Party Committee Office to commune-level civil servant must be based on the amendment of Instruction No. 01 and the current Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

Before the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly, the Ministry of Home Affairs received a proposal from the Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Vinh Phuc province regarding the title of commune-level civil servant.

Accordingly, voters in Vinh Phuc province proposed to study and add 1 commune-level civil servant position for the title of Party Committee Office to the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

Voters of Vinh Phuc province said that currently the officer in charge of the Commune Party Committee Office is a part-time officer at the commune level. In fact, the duties of the officer in charge of the Commune-level Party Committee Office are many. However, currently, the allowance level for this subject is not adequate.

According to the provisions of Resolution No. 20/2023/NQ-HDND dated December 15, 2023 of the People's Council of Vinh Phuc province, officials in charge of the Commune Party Committee Office are currently entitled to a monthly allowance/base salary of 1 .6 for class I communes, 1.5 for class II communes, 1.3 for class III communes.

Regarding this content, in the official response, the Ministry of Home Affairs said that the positions and titles of commune-level cadres and civil servants have been prescribed in Article 61 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants in 2008 (amended and supplemented in 2008). 2019).

At the same time, according to the provisions of Point 17.1, Clause 17 of Instruction No. 01-HD/TW dated September 28, 2021 of the Secretariat on a number of specific issues implementing the Party Charter, it is stipulated that grassroots party organizations are not successful. Establish a specialized agency to advise and assist, the Party Committee assigns members to be in charge of office work, propaganda, organization, inspection, and mass mobilization, all members are concurrently responsible.

Accordingly, adding the title of Commune-level Party Committee Office to commune-level civil servant as proposed by voters must be based on amending this Guideline and the current Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

The Ministry of Home Affairs records voters' recommendations to synthesize and submit to competent authorities when the Secretariat has a policy to amend Instruction No. 01-HD/TW dated September 28, 2021 and in the process of researching, proposing and amending amend and supplement the current Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

Article 34, Decree No. 33/2023/ND-CP dated June 10, 2023 of the Government stipulates that the Central budget shall implement allowance funds (including support for social insurance and health insurance contributions) to Monthly payments to people working part-time at the commune level.

Based on the allowance fund assigned to each commune level by the Central budget, budget funding for local wage policy reform, relevant legal provisions and specific characteristics of each commune level. , the Provincial People's Committee submits to the People's Council at the same level to specifically stipulate the monthly allowance for people working part-time at the commune level in the province.

Accordingly, additional support for part -time activists at the commune level (including officers in charge of the Party Committee Office) falls under the authority of the People's Council of Vinh Phuc province.


Mức phụ cấp của Bí thư Đảng ủy cấp xã khi lương cơ sở tăng 2,34 triệu đồng

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Lào Cai phạt quán ăn tăng giá bất thường mùa mưa lũ

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Trường sạt lở nghiêm trọng, hàng trăm học sinh Thanh Hóa nghỉ học


Thanh Hóa - Do ảnh hưởng của mưa bão, một trường học đang xây dựng thì bị sạt lở nghiêm trọng. Ngay sau đó, ngành chức năng đã cho toàn bộ học sinh nghỉ học.