General Phan Van Giang sent a letter of encouragement to officers and soldiers

Vương Trần |

General Phan Van Giang sent a letter of encouragement to officers and soldiers of the entire army and militia who are performing the task of overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3.

On September 11, General Phan Van Giang - Member of the Politburo, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Minister of National Defence, sent a letter to officers and soldiers of the People's Army and militia performing the task of preventing, combating and overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3.

General Phan Van Giang's letter stated that in recent days, storm No. 3, which is considered the strongest storm in the past 30 years, has left serious consequences for the northern provinces and cities.

Faced with the complicated developments of storm No. 3, thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing the direction of the Politburo, the Secretariat, the Government, the Prime Minister, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence and the orders of the commanders; officers and soldiers of military units and militia and self-defense forces in the northern localities quickly deployed storm prevention and avoidance measures in their units and in their stationed areas; promptly propagandizing, mobilizing, and supporting people to evacuate; calling on and guiding boats and people to safe storm shelters.

Can bo, chien si Su doan 316, Quan khu 2 to chuc tim kiem nan nhan va khac phuc hau qua lu quet o thon lang Nu, xa Phuc Khanh, huyen Bao Yen, tinh Lao Cai. Anh: Bo Quoc phong
Officers and soldiers of Division 316, Military Region 2, search for victims and overcome the consequences of flash floods in Nu village, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province. Photo: Ministry of National Defence

"With the spirit of "human life is above all", "wherever there is difficulty and danger, there are soldiers" and the motto of "4 on-the-spot"; you comrades have strictly maintained combat readiness while organizing forces and means, promptly being present in key, difficult, arduous and dangerous places, taking the lead in flood and storm prevention and control, search and rescue, helping people overcome the consequences of storm No. 3; your actions have set a shining example of the mettle, will and courage of "sacrificing oneself for the people" of the people's army, typically Captain Nguyen Dinh Khiem, Company leader of Company 3, Battalion 1, Brigade 513, Military Region 3, who heroically sacrificed himself while on duty, leaving behind endless sorrow for his family, comrades, admiration among army officers, soldiers and people.

On behalf of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, I commend and praise your efforts and determination in participating in the prevention, control and overcoming of the consequences of storm No. 3. In the coming days, the post-storm developments will be very complicated and unpredictable; people's lives and properties will continue to be threatened; the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence trust and hope that you will further uphold your mettle, determination, promote revolutionary heroism, the tradition of "Determination to Fight and Determination to Win" of the heroic Vietnam People's Army, "national love and compatriotism", unite and coordinate to absolutely protect the safety of the lives and properties of the state and people, and be more active in helping people in the northern provinces promptly overcome the consequences of the storm, quickly stabilize their lives; and at the same time ensure absolute safety in performing their tasks" - General Phan Van Giang's letter stated.

Vương Trần

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