Resolution on the arrangement of commune-level administrative units of Dak Lak province


After rearranging commune-level administrative units, Dak Lak province has 15 district-level administrative units and 180 commune-level administrative units.

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has just issued Resolution No. 1193/NQ-UBTVQH15 on the arrangement of commune-level administrative units of Dak Lak province for the 2023-2025 period.

Arrange the commune-level administrative units of Buon Ma Thuot city as follows:

Merge the entire natural area of ​​0.87km2 and population of 7,720 people of Thang Loi ward into Thanh Cong ward. After merging, Thanh Cong ward has a natural area of ​​2.00km2 and a population of 26,086 people.

Merge the entire natural area of ​​0.34km2 and population of 7,947 people of Thong Nhat ward into Tan Tien ward. After merging, Tan Tien ward has a natural area of ​​2.85km2 and a population of 28,491 people.

After the arrangement, Buon Ma Thuot city has 19 commune-level administrative units, including 11 wards and 8 communes.

Arrange the commune-level administrative units of Buon Ho town as follows:

Adjust the natural area of ​​19.70km2 and the population of 495 people of Ea Blang commune to merge into Ea Sien commune. After adjustment, Ea Sien commune has a natural area of ​​52.47km2 and a population of 8,060 people.

Merge the entire natural area of ​​10.73km2 and the population of 2,911 people of Ea Blang commune after adjustment according to regulations into Ea Drong commune. After merging, Ea Drong commune has a natural area of ​​58.66km2 and a population of 15,462 people.

After the arrangement, Buon Ho town has 11 commune-level administrative units, including 7 wards and 4 communes.

Arrange the commune-level administrative units of Krong Bong district as follows:

Merge the entire natural area of ​​16.49km2 and the population of 2,947 people of Hoa Tan commune into Hoa Thanh commune. After merging, Hoa Thanh commune has a natural area of ​​44.25km2 and a population of 7,335 people.

After the arrangement, Krong Bong district has 13 commune-level administrative units, including 12 communes and 1 town.

Arrange the commune-level administrative units of Ea Sup district as follows:

Adjust the natural area to 3.96km2 and the population to 80 people of Ia Rve commune to merge into Ia Lop commune. After adjustment, Ia Lop commune has a natural area of ​​194.09km2 and a population of 6,721 people.

After adjustment according to regulations, Ia Rve commune has a natural area of ​​217.83km2 and a population of 6,767 people.

After the arrangement, Ea Sup district has 10 commune-level administrative units, including 9 communes and 1 town.

After rearranging commune-level administrative units, Dak Lak province has 15 district-level administrative units, including 13 districts, 1 town and 1 city; 180 commune-level administrative units (reduced from 184 commune-level administrative units to 180 units), including 149 communes, 18 wards and 13 towns.

This Resolution comes into force from November 1, 2024.


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