Peace messengers contribute to shining the image of Vietnam


Vietnamese peacekeepers are "messengers of peace" at the United Nations, contributing to shining the image of the country and people of Vietnam.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan emphasized this at the ceremony to send off Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 (BVDC2.6) and Engineering Team No. 3 to carry out the United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan and the Abyei Region, organized by the Ministry of National Defence this morning (September 24).

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, in a speech to encourage officers and soldiers of the two units before their departure, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan commended and highly appreciated the results achieved in Vietnam's participation in UN peacekeeping activities over the past 10 years.

Pho Chu tich nuoc Vo Thi Anh Xuan phat bieu tai Le xuat quan. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan speaks at the Departure Ceremony. Photo: Hai Nguyen

The Vice President affirmed that this is a bright spot in multilateral diplomacy of the Party, State, People's Army and People's Public Security of Vietnam; thereby demonstrating Vietnam's responsibility to the international community, contributing to responding to traditional and non-traditional challenges in the region and the world.

"The Vietnamese contingent of officers and soldiers participating in UN peacekeeping operations has constantly strived and overcome all difficulties and challenges to complete the assigned tasks. They have clearly demonstrated the mettle, intelligence, personality and dignity of the Vietnamese people, which has been recognized and highly appreciated by the United Nations and international partners; and have been cared for, supported and followed by compatriots and comrades at home. They are the "messengers of peace" at the United Nations, contributing to shining the image of the country, the Vietnamese people, and the image of Uncle Ho's soldiers in the new era," the Vice President emphasized.

Thieu tuong Pham Manh Thang - Cuc truong Cuc GGHB Viet Nam - phat bieu tai Le xuat quan. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Brigadier General Pham Manh Thang - Director of the Vietnam Peacekeeping Department - speaks at the Departure Ceremony. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Regarding the preparations for the two units to carry out their missions, Brigadier General Pham Manh Thang - Director of the Vietnam Peacekeeping Department - said that Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 has an official staff of 63 comrades, who have been fully trained in politics, military, technical logistics, medical expertise, peacekeeping knowledge, especially practical training, close to the developments of the situation and tasks at the mission;

Also deployed this time was the 3rd Engineering Team of the Vietnam Peacekeeping Department, with an official strength of 184 comrades, including 18 female soldiers.

"Up to now, 63 officers and staff of Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 and 184 officers and staff of Engineering Team No. 3 are confident and ready to go to the Mission to carry out their missions" - Brigadier general Pham Manh Thang informed.

Cac can bo, chien si Doi Cong binh so 3 va Benh vien da chien cap 2 so 6 len duong thuc hien nhiem vu gin giu hoa binh Lien Hop Quoc. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Officers and soldiers of Engineering Team No. 3 and Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 set off for a United Nations peacekeeping mission. Photo: Hai Nguyen

On behalf of all officers and staff of Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 and Engineering Team No. 3, Lieutenant colonel Tran Anh Duc - Director of Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 - affirmed that he will always be absolutely loyal to the Party, the Fatherland and the people, to the revolutionary goals and ideals, and be ready to receive and excellently complete all assigned tasks.


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Proposing prohibited behavior when participating in peacekeeping


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Hơn 800 lượt sĩ quan, quân nhân làm nhiệm vụ gìn giữ hòa bình Liên Hợp Quốc

Vương Trần |

Theo báo cáo từ Bộ Quốc phòng, từ tháng 6.2014 đến nay, Việt Nam đã cử 802 lượt sĩ quan, quân nhân chuyên nghiệp đi thực hiện nhiệm vụ gìn giữ hòa bình Liên Hợp Quốc.