Concluding remarks by Comrade To Lam - General Secretary, President at the Conference to implement Resolution of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure


Dear Politburo members, Secretariat members, Party Central Committee members, and alternate Party Central Committee members!
Dear comrades attending the Conference at the connecting points!

Today, the Politburo and the Secretariat decided to convene a Conference to implement the Resolution of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure. The organization of the Conference to thoroughly grasp and implement the Resolution on a large scale and in a systematic manner throughout the Party affirms the special importance of the Resolution for the development of the country in the new period, as well as the urgent requirement for strong, drastic implementation, achieving practical results throughout the Party, the entire people, and the entire political system. You have heard comrade Pham Minh Chinh, Politburo member, Prime Minister; comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, comrade Le Minh Hung, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Organization convey the basic contents of the Resolution. Concluding the Conference, on behalf of the Politburo, I would like to emphasize to you the following 2 issues:

Firstly, why is it necessary to organize a conference to disseminate and implement the Resolution of the 10th Central Conference, Session XIII?

With the great achievements after nearly 80 years of founding the country, with the position and strength accumulated, with new opportunities and fortunes, we have gathered all the conditions and are facing a historic opportunity to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth, an era of development, prosperity, successfully realizing the wishes of President Ho Chi Minh and the aspirations of the entire nation, successfully building a Vietnam with rich people, strong country, democratic, fair, civilized society, on par with the world powers. To achieve this goal, the 10th Central Conference has agreed on political determination, strategic breakthroughs, directions, and strategic solutions with new thinking and awareness; has agreed on policies for many important tasks to accelerate and break through to the finish line to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and best prepare for Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress. On the basis of the Central Committee's unity, the task of bringing the Party's Resolution to each Party Cell and each Party member, deeply permeating and integrating into real life is very urgent and urgent, requiring the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army to form a unified bloc in will and action, to unite, join forces, make great efforts with methodical and precise steps, make the most of opportunities and advantages, mobilize all resources to successfully implement the policies and strategic directions that the Central Committee of the Party has unanimously planned. Through the Conference, we also aim to exchange, discuss and create high consensus in awareness, which is a premise for unifying actions in the entire political system according to the set goals. This is the main reason why the Politburo and the Secretariat decided to organize today's Conference.

Second, on some key contents focusing on thoroughly understanding and implementing

One is: unify the awareness throughout the Party on the political determination to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, and complete all set goals and targets. This is a requirement of the Central Committee, a legal target, requiring the highest efforts, focusing all measures and resources to achieve it, absolutely not retreating. Party committees, party organizations, party members, especially leaders, must be exemplary, take the lead and take responsibility for implementation. Each Party committee and grassroots organization must urgently review the goals and targets set in the Resolution of the Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term, especially the targets on economic, cultural, social, environmental development, and building socialist people to focus on completing them as soon as possible with the highest quality. The Government, heads of departments, ministries, branches and localities must be truly determined, determined to do, have drastic, decisive and accelerated solutions to successfully carry out the socio-economic development tasks in 2025 approved by the Central Government; achieve the targets, especially the GDP target.

Second: focus on immediately implementing a number of strategic breakthroughs that the Central Committee has agreed to include in the documents of the 14th Congress.

- Regarding breakthroughs in development institutions, removing bottlenecks and barriers: Immediately after the 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure, the National Assembly and the Government set an example, took the lead, acted immediately, and acted very resolutely with the spirit of innovation, reform, and dedication to the common cause. The Prime Minister and the Chairman of the National Assembly chaired many meetings to review the contents of laws submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and approval at the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly. At this session, the mechanism of "Amending one law, adjusting many laws" was immediately implemented, including 01 law amending 03 laws in the investment sector; 01 law amending 07 laws in the finance and asset management sectors to remove difficulties and obstacles in institutions, overcome bottlenecks, and create space for development. In the proposal to amend legal regulations, administrative procedures have been thoroughly reformed, and maximum decentralization and delegation of power has been implemented in the spirit of the 10th Central Committee's agreement that "locality decides, locality acts, locality is responsible".

This spirit must be strongly spread throughout the entire political system. Ministries, branches, Party committees and authorities at all levels, within their functions and tasks, must focus on reviewing, amending and supplementing regulations, rules and processes with the spirit of thoroughly removing bottlenecks and barriers, thoroughly reforming administrative procedures, expanding space for development, taking people and businesses as the center, all for socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security, constantly improving people's lives; along with specific solutions suitable to practice to mobilize and unblock all internal and external resources, and resources within the people. Localities thoroughly assess their ability to be autonomous and self-reliant to specifically propose decentralization and delegation of power, ensuring the highest response to the requirements of practical development. (iii) Immediately after this Conference, Party committees at all levels must have specific plans and focus on leading implementation. The specific assessment of the performance of the entire political system with measurable products will be one of the contents of the next Central Committee meeting.

- Initiate and implement the digital transformation revolution. The Politburo will soon study and issue a Resolution on national digital transformation; ministries, branches and localities will prioritize resources, intelligence, prepare human resources, focus on implementing digital transformation tasks, and develop science and technology synchronously and smoothly.

- Focus on completing the goal of building socio-economic infrastructure, first of all strategic infrastructure for transportation, energy infrastructure, digital infrastructure, etc. Review to accelerate the implementation of national target programs, key projects with spillover effects, resolutely ensure progress in all situations, it is best to shorten the progress based on the experience of implementing the 500kV line 3 project; Ministries, branches, and localities in charge must review to achieve this goal. Immediately carry out tasks to implement the investment policy for the North-South high-speed railway project as soon as possible and most effectively.

- Summarize and evaluate the implementation of Resolution No. 18 of the 6th Conference of the 12th Central Executive Committee "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently" in the entire political system to be submitted to the 11th Conference of the 13th Central Committee; as a basis for new policies to strongly innovate the work of organizing cadres according to the orientation agreed upon by the 10th Central Committee, focusing on streamlining the apparatus of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations to operate effectively and efficiently; streamline the apparatus and organization of the Party's agencies, truly be the intellectual core, the "general advice department", the vanguard leading state agencies; build a contingent of cadres, especially leaders at all levels with sufficient qualities, capacity, and prestige to match the tasks in new conditions.

Third, on preparations for party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress.

- Focus on building and ensuring the quality of documents for Party congresses at all levels and documents for the 14th Party Congress: The process of building and perfecting documents of each Party committee and organization must thoroughly grasp and concretize the implementation of breakthroughs, directions, and strategic solutions agreed upon by the 10th Central Committee with the spirit of specific products, time, progress, and responsibility. Some key points: (i) Each locality needs to concretize and clearly define the orientation and solutions for building a socialist model associated with socialist people in each locality, Hai Phong and Da Nang take the lead in implementing, creating a basis for drawing experience and replicating throughout the country. (ii) Specify the direction for developing new productive forces of each industry and each locality, focusing on high-quality human resources and data - new means of production, transport infrastructure, and green transformation. (iii) Clarify resources, solutions, and responsibilities for completing the construction of a revolutionary, disciplined, elite, and modern armed force; (iv) Identify specific goals and targets that clearly demonstrate the self-reliance, proactiveness, and creativity of each locality based on reality (Promoting decentralization and delegation of power in conjunction with enhancing self-reliance, self-reliance, and responsibility for local governance is one of the strategic priorities to be resolutely implemented in the coming years).

Party committees at all levels have specific plans, focusing on research to discuss and contribute ideas to build the documents of the 14th National Party Congress, especially on new issues emerging from practice, focusing on: (i) The issue of national governance and local governance; the urgency and content of local governance to enhance self-reliance and self-reliance. (ii) the relationship between management thinking and development thinking from the practical work of ministries, branches and localities. (iii) ways to implement national target programs to ensure efficiency and combat waste. (iv) innovation in thinking, viewpoints, and law-making processes and law-making agencies. (v) issues of appropriate roles and responsibilities in implementing "Party leadership, State management, People's mastery"; social security policies go hand in hand with social development.

- Focus on preparing the best personnel for Party congresses at all levels: Focus on training, fostering, and testing comrades who are planned to participate in Party committees and standing committees at all levels, ensuring the selection of Party committees, especially leaders with leadership capacity, high fighting spirit, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility, daring to innovate for the common cause, having the capacity to lead the successful implementation of Party policies, and bringing Party resolutions into practice in each field and locality.

Dear comrades!

Once the Resolution is correct and accurate, its implementation is an especially important and pivotal step in bringing the Resolution into life, turning the Party's policies into revolutionary actions, creating material wealth and spiritual products, bringing the country to strong and remarkable development; also through implementing the Resolution in life to discover, supplement, and increasingly perfect the steps, find the shortest path to bring the country into a new era, an era of national development, soon successfully build socialism, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers. The work ahead is very busy and urgent, the time from now until the end of the 13th Party Congress term is not much, there are still many goals to strive for, while preparing for the 14th Congress is very important. I believe that, after the Conference, with new thoughts and perceptions, with high spirit and determination, unity in thought and action, we will unleash all resources, mobilize the highest human and material resources, and continue to create new foundations for the country's breakthrough development in the coming years.

In that spirit, I hereby declare the Conference closed. I wish you all good health, happiness, success, and immediate implementation of the Resolution of the 10th Central Conference.

Thank you very much!


Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước nhấn mạnh quyết tâm phòng, chống tham nhũng

Vương Trần |

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm chỉ rõ, công tác phòng, chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực là công tác chung của toàn dân, từng đảng viên, từng chi bộ, từng cơ sở.

Phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm tại Đại hội Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam


Với chủ đề “Đoàn kết - Dân chủ - Đổi mới - Sáng tạo - Phát triển”, Đại hội đại biểu toàn quốc Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam lần thứ X, nhiệm kỳ 2024-2029 đã khai mạc trọng thể sáng 17.10 tại Trung tâm Hội nghị Quốc gia, Thủ đô Hà Nội. Báo Lao Động xin giới thiệu toàn văn bài phát biểu chỉ đạo của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm tại Đại hội.

Quốc hội có thể họp cả buổi tối như Hội nghị Trung ương


Các cơ quan sẽ báo cáo Quốc hội xem xét tăng thời gian họp nếu cần thiết, có thể vào cuối tuần và thậm chí cả buổi tối như cách làm của Hội nghị Trung ương.

Phát biểu khai mạc Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm

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Báo Lao Động trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn phát biểu khai mạc Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII của đồng chí Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm ngày 18.9.2024, tại Hà Nội.

Kinh phí công đoàn 2% đã phát huy hiệu quả hơn 60 năm qua

Nhóm phóng viên |

ĐBQH đề nghị duy trì kinh phí công đoàn 2%, nhận định nguồn kinh phí này đã phát huy hiệu quả hơn 60 năm qua trong chăm lo đời sống cho người lao động.

Diện mạo đô thị Huế khi lên thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương


HUẾ - Đô thị Huế khi thành thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương là đô thị đặc sắc về sinh thái, cảnh quan, thân thiện môi trường và thông minh.

Xét xử 6 bị cáo vụ cháy karaoke An Phú khiến 32 người chết


Ngày 24.10, TAND tỉnh Bình Dương đã mở phiên tòa sơ thẩm vụ án sai phạm để xảy ra cháy karaoke An Phú khiến 32 người chết.

Trạm bơm tiền tỉ, chưa nghiệm thu đã thanh toán tiền rồi bỏ hoang hơn 4 năm


Công trình trạm bơm trị giá 1,5 tỉ đồng ở xã Hương Phong (TP Huế) bị bỏ hoang hơn 4 năm nay, điều đáng nói, khi công trình chưa thể hoạt động, chưa nghiệm thu, chủ đầu tư là UBND xã Hương Phong đã đem tiền đi thanh toán cho đơn vị thi công.

General Secretary and President emphasize determination to prevent and combat corruption

Vương Trần |

General Secretary and President To Lam pointed out that the work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity is the common work of all people, each Party member, each Party cell, and each base.

Speech by General Secretary and President To Lam at the Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress


With the theme “Solidarity - Democracy - Innovation - Creativity - Development”, the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the 2024-2029 term solemnly opened on the morning of October 17 at the National Convention Center, Hanoi. Lao Dong Newspaper would like to introduce the full text of the speech by General Secretary and President To Lam at the Congress.

The National Assembly can meet all evening like the Central Conference


Agencies will report to the National Assembly to consider increasing meeting time if necessary, possibly on weekends and even in the evenings as the Central Conference did.

Opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure by General Secretary and President To Lam

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Lao Dong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure, by General Secretary and President To Lam on September 18, 2024, in Hanoi.