Speech by General Secretary and President To Lam at the Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress


With the theme “Solidarity - Democracy - Innovation - Creativity - Development”, the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the 2024-2029 term solemnly opened on the morning of October 17 at the National Convention Center, Hanoi. Lao Dong Newspaper would like to introduce the full text of the speech by General Secretary and President To Lam at the Congress.

Dear Presidium of the Congress;

Dear leaders, former leaders of the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front, distinguished guests;

Dear all, comrades, and delegates to the Congress!

Today, I am very pleased to attend the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. On behalf of the Party and State leaders, I warmly welcome the Congress, welcome the leaders and former leaders of the Party, State and Vietnam Fatherland Front; revolutionary veterans, heroic Vietnamese mothers, heroes of the armed forces, heroes of labor, delegates and distinguished guests. Through you, comrades and delegates, I would like to send my best regards and best wishes to all compatriots, comrades, cadres and soldiers nationwide and our compatriots abroad.

Dear Congress!

Over the past 94 years, under the leadership of the Party, the Vietnamese revolutionary boat has made many miracles, winning one victory after another. From a country heavily devastated by war, Vietnam has risen to become a symbol of peace, stability, hospitality, and a destination for international investors and tourists.

From a backward economy, Vietnam has risen to be among the Top 40 leading economies, with a trade scale in the Top 20 countries in the world. From an isolated country, Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with 193 member states of the United Nations, has strategic partnerships and comprehensive partnerships with 30 countries, including all major countries, and is an active member of over 70 regional and international organizations.

Taking the happiness and prosperity of the people as the goal to strive for, Vietnam has achieved the Millennium Development Goals early, and is considered by the United Nations and international friends as a success story, a bright spot in poverty reduction, and constantly improving the material and spiritual life of the people.

The above great achievements were achieved thanks to the wise and talented leadership of the Party; the solidarity, unity and joint efforts of the entire Party, people and army, including the important role of the great national solidarity bloc, the contribution of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations.

Over the past 94 years, the Vietnam Fatherland Front has continuously grown, affirming its role and mission in promoting the tradition and strength of great national unity, encouraging, motivating and motivating our people to enthusiastically participate in patriotic emulation movements, arousing and promoting resources and creativity, contributing to the successful implementation of the country's strategic tasks in each historical period.

Promoting the glorious tradition and valuable experiences, in the past term, the Front has made many efforts to innovate the content and methods of operation. The core political role of the Front and socio-political organizations has been increasingly affirmed, contributing to promoting the combined strength of the entire political system and the entire people in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland. The method of uniting and gathering people of all walks of life through organizing the National Great Unity Day in residential areas is a creative and effective way that is increasingly spreading widely.

The Front has launched many campaigns and emulation movements, built many models to attract and gather a large number of people, typical individuals in all classes, ethnic groups, religions, and overseas Vietnamese communities to sympathize, participate, and respond. The implementation of the Project to mobilize the construction of great solidarity houses for poor households in Dien Bien province, especially the coordination to implement the Program to eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses nationwide to be completed in 2025, is a typical and outstanding activity in innovating the method of implementing social security work.

Faced with the unprecedented and complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent storm No. 3, with a high sense of responsibility, proactiveness and creativity, the Vietnam Fatherland Front has closely coordinated with ministries, branches, localities and member organizations to launch, call on and mobilize people from all walks of life at home and abroad, and international friends to join hands and participate in preventing, combating, controlling and quickly overcoming the consequences of the epidemic, storms and floods, and soon recovering and developing the socio-economy.

The work of supervision, social criticism, and participation in giving opinions on Party building and building a clean and strong government continued to achieve many important results; the activities of supervising cadres and party members, especially leaders, in training ethics, lifestyle, and performing public duties were given attention and achieved positive results.

People's diplomacy activities have effectively contributed to the Party's foreign affairs and state diplomacy, gaining support, cooperation and assistance from the international community, expanding friendly and cooperative relations between the Vietnamese people and people of other countries in the world, enhancing the country's position and prestige, and opening up development opportunities.

With the achievements gained in recent times, the Vietnam Fatherland Front deserves its role as a political alliance, voluntary union, and political base of the people's government; a core organization in promoting the tradition and strength of the great national unity bloc; an important bridge between the Party and the government and the people; promoting the role of the people as the main subject in social life; representing and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members, association members and the people.

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, the Party and State leaders, I acknowledge, warmly congratulate and commend the achievements of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels; respectfully thank and commend all classes of people who have upheld the spirit of patriotism, solidarity, responded to, supported and made efforts to implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, contributing to the important and turning-point achievements of our country in recent years.

In addition to the achievements and results, the work of the Front still has shortcomings and limitations that have been frankly pointed out in the draft Political Report, such as the content and methods of mobilizing, gathering, building and consolidating the great national unity bloc, although there have been many innovations, have not yet met the requirements and tasks, especially in the face of rapid changes in reality; many resources among the people have not been effectively promoted.

The implementation of campaigns and emulation movements in some places is not very effective. Social supervision and criticism activities have not met the requirements. People's foreign affairs activities are not commensurate with the potential and position of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the requirements of international integration. I propose that the Congress discuss in depth these shortcomings and limitations and promptly take measures to thoroughly overcome them in the coming time.

Ladies and gentlemen!

With the position and strength accumulated after 40 years of national renovation, with new opportunities and fortunes, we are facing a historic opportunity to bring the country into a new era, an era of national development. That is the era under the leadership of the Party, successfully building Vietnam into a rich people, strong country, democracy, equality, civilization, by the middle of the 21st century our country will become a developed country with high income, following the socialist orientation, successfully realizing the wishes of President Ho Chi Minh and the aspirations of the entire nation, bringing the country to stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers.

To achieve that goal, strongly arousing the spirit of patriotism, the desire to contribute, the will to be self-reliant, self-confident, self-reliant, self-reliant, and proud of the nation, promoting the great strength of the great national unity bloc, combining national strength with the strength of the times is of key significance - this is the responsibility of our entire Party, people, and army, in which the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations play a core role with a glorious and noble responsibility. In that spirit, I basically agree with the direction, goals, and Action Program for the next term that the Political Report has put forth. I would like to emphasize a number of issues for the Congress to discuss, consider, and decide:

Firstly, it is necessary to unify the awareness of the position and special importance of the great national unity bloc and the urgent need, more than ever, to give top priority to consolidating and promoting the great national unity bloc under the leadership of the Party. This is one of the key solutions to bring the country into a new era. Historical practice shows that the great national unity bloc creates great strength and is the source of all successes of the Vietnamese revolution; the more difficult and challenging the situation is, the greater the revolutionary requirements and tasks are, the more necessary it is to unite closely, broadly, and firmly; only with unity can there be victory.

The great national unity bloc can only create great strength and become an invincible force when it is tightly organized, deeply enlightened about its ideal goals, and guided by the right path; and can only be most effective when it is gathered in the Fatherland Front under the leadership of the Party.

The Communist Party is a member of the Fatherland Front and at the same time the leader of the great national unity bloc; the primary task of the Party, directly of the Party delegation of the Fatherland Front, is to propagate and educate the masses to be aware of the need to unite; to choose appropriate forms and methods of organization to attract widespread and massive participation of the masses; to guide the great national unity bloc to work and be creative according to goals and tasks that are consistent with the interests of the nation, the people and the legitimate aspirations of the people.

Implementing the 100-year strategic goals under the Party's leadership and the 100th anniversary of the country's founding is an important and enormous task with many difficulties and challenges; this task can only be successful when the strength of great national unity is gathered.

In the current period, the Front needs to play a core role, take the lead in coordinating with member organizations to unite all classes and outstanding individuals, promote the vanguard role of the working class, arouse the great potential of the peasantry, intellectuals and workers, ensure high unity in perception, ideology and action, steadfastly pursue socialist goals and ideals; proactively carry out people's foreign affairs activities; resolutely protect and maintain national independence and sovereignty, political and social stability, and build an increasingly prosperous and happy country.

The Front and its member organizations must do a better job of propaganda, education and mobilization so that people can understand, unanimously and wholeheartedly implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws; clearly recognize the plots and tricks of hostile and reactionary forces to distort, cause division and sabotage the great national unity bloc. The Front must be the nucleus in protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints.

Second, care for and protect the practical, legitimate and legal interests of the people; the highest goal is to serve the people and make their lives better. Our Party has no interests other than the interests of the people; the people are the center and subject of all policies and guidelines of the Party; all efforts of the Party, the State and the entire political system are only meaningful when the people have a prosperous and happy life.

The Fatherland Front and its member organizations need to proactively and actively take measures to care for and improve the lives of the people, especially ethnic minorities in remote, border, island areas, former resistance base areas, strategic areas, and areas with a large number of religious followers.

Detect, make recommendations to Party committees and authorities, and mobilize philanthropists to promptly support people in especially difficult circumstances and the disadvantaged, leaving no one behind. Proactively coordinate with authorities at all levels to effectively resolve pressing social issues right at the grassroots level. Actively gather and listen to people's opinions, truly become a reliable support and voice of the people to reflect to Party committees and authorities at all levels. Play a good role in presiding over consultations and coordination between member organizations in implementing social supervision and criticism, especially on issues of national security and people's livelihood.

Participate effectively and mobilize the people to actively participate in the fight against waste, corruption and negativity. In the immediate future, actively participate in organizing and mobilizing the people to successfully conduct the election of deputies to the 16th National Assembly and the election of People's Councils at all levels for the 2026-2031 term.

Third, continue to strongly innovate the content and methods of operation of the Fatherland Front in a practical direction, close to the people, accompanying the people, "when the people need the Front, it is there, when the people are in difficulty, the Front is ready to participate". Promote the core role of the Front in widely implementing high-quality, practical patriotic emulation campaigns and movements, with the satisfaction of the people; compete to successfully carry out the tasks of socio-economic development of the country in the new period.

The methods of mobilization and gathering of the Front organization must be diverse and rich in types, lively in content, becoming a mass forum, where people of all classes, ethnicities, religions, overseas Vietnamese... meet, exchange information, express opinions, thoughts, aspirations, and have democratic and open dialogue.

Gather and maximize the role and contribution of scientists, experts, and outstanding individuals from all walks of life, ethnic groups, religions, and the overseas Vietnamese community to the development of the country. Build a team of Front and mass organization cadres who are dedicated, responsible, wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly serving the people, for the prosperous and happy life of the people, truly close to the people, listening to the people's opinions, loving the people, being a shining example for the people to love, care for, respect, trust, and share.

Dear Congress!

In the new revolutionary period, each Party Committee, government, cadre and Party member must continue to deeply understand the position, significance and importance of the great national unity and the work of the Front; promote responsibility for the activities of the Front and socio-political organizations in the mechanism of "the Party leads, the State manages, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations act as the core for the People to be the masters", associated with the motto "People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people supervise, people benefit". I propose that Party Committees and governments at all levels continue to pay attention to leading, directing and coordinating more closely and regularly with the Front, sincerely, receptively, listening, wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly solving the people's work. Continue to supplement and perfect policies and laws to mobilize all resources, promote patriotism, national pride, and creativity of all social classes, organizations, and individuals in the cause of building and firmly defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.

With the spirit of solidarity and high determination of the Congress, we deeply believe that the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels will continue to innovate, be proactive, creative, gather a large and strong people from all walks of life to join hands and unite, promote the tradition of patriotism, the mettle and strength of the Vietnamese people, determined to overcome all difficulties and challenges, seize new opportunities and fortunes, be self-reliant, proud, and confidently enter a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise; all for the goal of "A rich people, a strong country, democracy, fairness, and civilization".

Unity, unity, great unity

Success, success, great success.

I wish all delegates good health, happiness and success.

Wish the Congress great success.

Thank you very much!


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