Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long receives new assignment


Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long joins as Head of State Steering Committee on tourism.

The Prime Minister has just signed Decision No. 1145/QD-TTg changing the members of the State Steering Committee on Tourism (Steering Committee).

According to the decision, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Le Thanh Long participated and acted as Head of Direction to replace Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Tran Hong Ha.

Lieutenant General Pham The Tung - Deputy Minister of Public Security - joined the Steering Committee to replace Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang.

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Sang - Deputy Minister of Transport - joined the Steering Committee to replace Mr. Nguyen Duy Lam.

The State Steering Committee for Tourism is an inter-sectoral coordination organization whose function is to assist the Prime Minister in researching, directing, and coordinating the resolution of important, inter-sectoral issues in tourism activities nationwide; researching and proposing to the Prime Minister directions, tasks, and solutions to develop tourism.

The Steering Committee is responsible for assisting the Prime Minister in directing the coordination of activities of relevant ministries, branches and localities in developing and organizing the implementation of tasks under national and key programs on tourism development in accordance with resolutions of the Politburo, the National Assembly, the Government and decisions and directives of the Prime Minister.

At the same time, direct, inspect and urge ministries, branches and localities in developing and implementing specific plans and programs on tourism development according to assigned functions and tasks.


Bổ nhiệm ông Lê Quyền làm Phó Tổng Giám đốc VTV


Ông Lê Quyền - Chánh Văn phòng Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam - được bổ nhiệm giữ chức Phó Tổng Giám đốc Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam.

Điều động, bổ nhiệm nhân sự mới ở Thái Bình, Đà Nẵng


Thái Bình, Tuyên Quang, Hà Giang, Đà Nẵng, Thái Nguyên... vừa triển khai các quyết định điều động, chỉ định, bầu, bổ nhiệm nhân sự mới trong tuần (30.9 - 5.10).

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Khánh Linh |

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Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

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Thu Giang |

Hà Nội - Nhiều thương hiệu, cửa hàng kinh doanh đang âm thầm rút lui khỏi mặt bằng tuyến phố trung tâm Thủ đô.

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CII chi hàng nghìn tỉ đồng đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới

Lục Giang |

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"Đánh thuế bất động sản giúp giảm giá nhà là không thực tế"

Linh Trang - Vũ Linh |

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Appointing Mr. Le Quyen as Deputy General Director of VTV


Mr. Le Quyen - Chief of Office of Vietnam Television - was appointed Deputy General Director of Vietnam Television.

Mobilizing and appointing new personnel in Thai Binh and Da Nang


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Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long inspects flooded areas in Son La

Khánh Linh |

On August 4th, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long inspected the flooded area in Chieng Den commune, Son La city.