16 judges' files reviewed, responsibilities handled


16 judges were reviewed and held accountable according to regulations on handling the responsibilities of judicial position holders in the People's Court.

Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court Le Minh Tri has just reported to the National Assembly on the work of the courts in 2024.

According to the report, as of September 30, the People's Courts had 14,015 positions, including 6,399 judges. The Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court has submitted to the President for approval, appointment, reappointment, dismissal, and removal of judges in 633 cases; proposed not to re-appoint judges to review and handle responsibilities according to regulations in 11 cases.

During the year, the Supreme People's Court carried out the process of proposing additional planning for Deputy Chief Justices of the Supreme People's Court for the 2021-2026 period and the 2026-2031 period for 3 people; conducted the process of reviewing and voting on personnel recommendations for leadership and management planning for the 2021-2026 term and planning for the 2026-2031 term for 10 units under the Supreme People's Court and 3 High-level People's Courts.

The Supreme People's Court has carried out the process of introducing personnel to propose reappointment of 1 Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, submitted to the President to extend the term of office for 2 Deputy Chief Justices of the Supreme People's Court; appointed and reappointed the positions of Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of the provincial and district People's Courts for 504 cases...

Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court Le Minh Tri said that inspection and examination of the performance of public duties and handling of civil servants and employees who commit violations are carried out regularly and seriously.

The Supreme People's Court has established inspection teams to inspect the professional work in 2023 of High Courts and 2-level Courts in 25 provinces and centrally run cities.

In 217 inspections and examinations of 360 units of the sector, the Supreme People's Court conducted 9 inspections and examinations of public service. Thereby, it pointed out shortcomings and violations in the leadership and direction of leaders and the performance of professional duties of civil servants and judges.

The Supreme People's Court has requested those who are obliged to declare to complete the declaration of assets in 2023 according to regulations; developed a plan to verify assets and income in 2024 with a number of provincial-level People's Courts; organized regular inspections and verification of assets and income for a number of civil servants who are obliged to declare assets and income of 5 People's Court units.

The Supreme People's Court has examined, researched, and examined 877 dossiers of requests for appointment of judges; studied many judgments and decisions of judges that were annulled or amended, and 246 criminal judgments with trial results that gave defendants suspended sentences, warnings, non-custodial reform, and fines as the main punishment.

In particular, research and examine the records of 16 judges under review and handle responsibilities according to regulations on handling responsibilities of judicial position holders in the People's Court.

During the reporting period, there were 47 cases of administrative discipline including: 34 cases of reprimand, 6 cases of warning, 1 case of dismissal, and 6 cases of forced resignation.

Of the 6 cases of forced dismissal, 5 people were criminally prosecuted, including: 3 people were convicted of "Accepting bribes"; 2 people were prosecuted, not yet convicted but were disciplined by being expelled from the Party and forced to quit their jobs.

In addition, there are 5 cases of party discipline in the form of reprimand, under consideration for administrative disciplinary action, and 5 cases of criminal prosecution, under investigation.


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Hai nữ thẩm phán được bổ nhiệm làm Phó Chánh án tỉnh, Chánh án huyện

Quang Việt |

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Bổ nhiệm 16 thẩm phán cao cấp, đón nhận Huân chương Lao động hạng Nhất

Quang Việt |

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Gần 6.000 thẩm phán Tòa án cấp huyện suốt đời chỉ là sơ cấp, rất thiệt thòi

Thùy Linh - Trần Vương |

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