General Secretary and President To Lam meets with leaders of the Communist Party USA

Khánh Minh |

General Secretary and President To Lam met and discussed with the Communist Party, left-wing organizations and American friends in New York on the afternoon of September 22.

The meeting was jointly organized by the Central External Relations Commission, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations and the Vietnamese Delegation to the United Nations, VNA reported.

The meeting was attended by delegates from different states, representing thousands of American friends who love Vietnam, including leaders of the Communist Party USA, left-wing organizations, peace activists, veterans, friends, representatives of charitable, humanitarian, religious, non-governmental organizations and businesses.

Co-Chair of the Communist Party of the USA Rossana Cambron expressed her deep impression and inspiration of a modern, prosperous Vietnam with a socialist-oriented market economy, considering it a model for sustainable growth, improving people's lives and an example of turning the theory of socialist society into reality; affirming her desire to strengthen relations between the two Parties in the coming time.

President of the Reconciliation and Development Foundation John McAucliff expressed his impression of the reconciliation between the two countries after the war, the strong development in all fields within the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership, and wished that Vietnam would share its experiences to promote reconciliation and development in relations between nations.

Ong John McAuliff (trai) tang Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam cuon sach ve Viet Nam. Anh: TTXVN
Mr. John McAuliff (left) presented General Secretary and President To Lam with a book about Vietnam. Photo: VNA

Many delegates shared personal stories and experiences in their journey to promote understanding between the people of the two countries.

Project 2 Executive Director Margot Delogne emotionally shared the change from hatred to friendship of a son who lost his father in the Vietnam War, the effort to connect people who lost their parents in the war on both sides, to find peace of mind and promote understanding, building friendship between the two nations.

It is also the story of the efforts to support peace, to oppose the use of nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War by representatives of the December 12 Movement, or of Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Cora Weiss who were willing to share their experiences in peace negotiations with the Vietnamese delegation at the Paris Conference, and to donate to send a ship of food to Vietnam during the years when Vietnam was facing many difficulties.

General Secretary and President To Lam thanked comrades and friends for arranging their time to attend the meeting; expressed his respect and emotion for the support and affection of American communist comrades, friends and people for the Party, State and people of Vietnam through the ages.

The General Secretary and President affirmed the policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation, friendship and development in Vietnam's relations with other countries, including the US, emphasizing the message that Vietnam actively contributes to peace and reconciliation in the world, and participates in solving common challenges facing humanity.

At the meeting, the General Secretary and President congratulated and respectfully awarded the Friendship Medal to individuals who have made many positive and important contributions to strengthening the relationship between the people of the two countries.

Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam trao tang Huan chuong Huu nghi cho cac ca nhan co nhieu dong gop tich cuc, quan trong, gop phan tang cuong quan he giua nhan dan hai nuoc. Anh: TTXVN
General Secretary and President To Lam presented the Friendship Medal to individuals who have made many positive and important contributions to strengthening the relationship between the people of the two countries. Photo: VNA

On behalf of the Friendship Medal recipients, Mr. John McAuliff and Ms. Cora Weiss expressed their gratitude and emotion, and considered the honor of receiving this noble award as an honor for tens of thousands of American people who love and support Vietnam, affirming that they will continue their efforts to enhance understanding, promote friendship and cooperation between the two sides in the coming time.

Khánh Minh

Tổng Bí Thư, Chủ tịch nước phát biểu tại Hội nghị Thượng đỉnh Tương lai

Thanh Hà |

Tổng Bí Thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm cho rằng đang có cơ hội lịch sử để đưa thế giới bước vào thời đại mới, kỷ nguyên phát triển mới.

Ý nghĩa đặc biệt chuyến công du Mỹ của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm

Ngọc Vân |

Chuyến công tác tới Mỹ của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm là dịp để khẳng định đường lối đối ngoại độc lập, tự chủ, đa phương hóa, đa dạng hóa của Việt Nam.

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước mang thông điệp quan trọng tới Liên Hợp Quốc

Khánh Minh |

Tại Liên Hợp Quốc, Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm sẽ đem tới những thông điệp quan trọng ủng hộ mạnh mẽ chủ nghĩa đa phương.

Đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích nhiều ngày tại Ninh Bình


Sau nhiều ngày tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích tại xã Kim Tân, huyện Kim Sơn (Ninh Bình).

Bất cập quản lý tiền công đức tại 2 ngôi đền ở Ninh Bình


Hiện nay, việc quản lý thu chi tiền công đức, dầu nhang tại đền Dâu và đền Quán Cháo (Ninh Bình) còn thiếu minh bạch.

Chủ tịch Tân Hoàng Minh được giảm 1 năm tù

Việt Dũng |

Ông Đỗ Anh Dũng - Chủ tịch Tập đoàn Tân Hoàng Minh được ghi nhận có các tình tiết mới nên được giảm án, bị hại duy nhất kháng cáo bị bác đơn.

Tài xế khai chuyện chở thùng tiền từ SCB về Vạn Thịnh Phát

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Lái xe của Trương Mỹ Lan khai, nhiều lần đến Ngân hàng SCB vận chuyển những thùng tiền đã được đóng sẵn đưa về Vạn Thịnh Phát hoặc nhà riêng của Lan.

Bỏ giấy chuyển tuyến bệnh hiểm nghèo, giảm tiền túi cho dân


Trong dự Luật Bảo hiểm y tế sửa đổi có đưa ra việc bỏ thủ tục chuyển tuyến với một số trường hợp bệnh hiếm, bệnh hiểm nghèo... để giảm chi tiền túi cho dân.

General Secretary and President speaks at the Future Summit

Thanh Hà |

General Secretary and President To Lam said that there is a historic opportunity to bring the world into a new era, a new era of development.

Special significance of General Secretary and President To Lam's visit to the US

Ngọc Vân |

The working trip to the US by General Secretary and President To Lam is an opportunity to affirm Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification.

General Secretary and President bring important message to the United Nations

Khánh Minh |

At the United Nations, General Secretary and President To Lam will deliver important messages strongly supporting multilateralism.