Vietnam - China Joint Statement

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On the occasion of Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang's official visit to Vietnam, the two sides issued a Joint Statement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People's Republic of China.

1. At the invitation of Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Pham Minh Chinh, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang paid an official visit to Vietnam from October 12 to 14, 2024.

During the visit, Premier Li Qiang met with General Secretary and President To Lam; held talks with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; and met with National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man.

In a sincere and friendly atmosphere, the two sides had in-depth exchanges of opinions and reached broad common understanding on promoting the development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, building a Vietnam-China community of shared future of strategic significance, as well as international and regional issues of common concern.

2. The two sides reviewed the development of the relationship between the two Parties and the two countries of Vietnam and China, and agreed that in the struggle for national independence and liberation, the two Parties, the two countries and the two peoples have assisted and supported each other, establishing a tradition of friendship "the close Vietnam-China relationship, both comrades and brothers".

During the period of innovation and reform and opening up, the two sides have persistently followed the path to socialism suitable to the situation of each country, promoted exchanges and experiences, and mutually beneficial cooperation, and achieved many substantive results, bringing practical benefits to the people of the two countries.

The two sides agreed that it is necessary to continue to inherit and promote the traditional friendship between Vietnam and China, not forgetting the original wish for friendship, remembering the common mission, firmly upholding the leadership of the Communist Party, firmly following the socialist path in accordance with the characteristics of each country's situation, persistently grasping the Vietnam-China relationship from a strategic height and long-term vision, continuing to deepen and elevate the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership, jointly building a Vietnam-China Community of Shared Future of strategic significance, promoting the relationship between the two Parties and the two countries to new heights.

3. Vietnam warmly congratulates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, warmly congratulates the successful holding of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which adopted the "Decision on Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics", identifying more than 300 important reform measures; supports China in comprehensively promoting the building of a great power and the great cause of national rejuvenation through modernization with Chinese characteristics; wishes and believes that under the steadfast leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Party, Government and People of China will comprehensively build a great modern socialist power and successfully realize the second centenary goal.

The Chinese side congratulated and highly appreciated Vietnam's important achievements in nearly 40 years of renovation, nearly 15 years of implementing the "Platform for National Construction in the Transitional Period to Socialism" (supplemented and developed in 2011), and congratulated Vietnam on successfully organizing the 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

China wishes and believes that under the correct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam headed by Comrade To Lam, the Party, State and People of Vietnam will successfully implement the goals and tasks set by the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, prepare well and successfully organize the 14th National Congress in 2026, and build Vietnam into a high-income developed country with a socialist orientation by 2045.

China affirms its support for Vietnam's prosperous development, people's happiness, building a strong, independent and self-reliant economy, synchronously promoting the cause of innovation, industrialization, modernization, comprehensive international integration, developing open and friendly foreign relations, and promoting an increasingly important role for peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region and the world.

Thu tuong Chinh phu Pham Minh Chinh va Thu tuong Trung Quoc Ly Cuong. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Chinese Premier Li Qiang. Photo: Hai Nguyen

4. China always considers Vietnam a priority direction in neighboring diplomacy. Vietnam affirms that it always considers relations with China as the top priority in Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification. This is the strategic choice of both sides.

The two sides believe that the development of each country is an opportunity for each other's development and is a positive factor contributing to the development of the region and the world.

The two sides agreed to comprehensively implement the important common perceptions reached by the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries and the joint statements issued by the two sides; persistently follow the motto of “friendly neighborliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability, looking towards the future”, the spirit of “good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, good partners” and the “6 more” goal including higher political trust, more substantive security and defense cooperation, deeper substantive cooperation, more solid social foundation, closer multilateral coordination, better control and resolution of disagreements, to promote the building of the Vietnam-China Community of Shared Future of strategic significance, achieving more substantive and comprehensive results, bringing practical benefits to the people of the two countries, making positive and effective contributions to peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

5. The two sides agreed to maintain high-level strategic exchanges, especially between the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries, to jointly guide the development of Vietnam-China relations.

The two governments have strengthened direction for ministries, branches and localities to realize high-level common perceptions and promote important cooperation in various fields to achieve more results.

Fully promote the special role of the Party channel, further strengthen the role of exchange and cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties, enhance cooperation in training cadres, comprehensively implement exchanges, and consult theories and experiences on Party building, national management, and the modernization cause with the characteristics of each country.

Actively and effectively implement the Cooperation Agreement between the National Assembly of Vietnam and the National People's Congress of China (signed in April 2024); promote the early organization of the First Session of the Cooperation Committee between the National Assembly of Vietnam and the National People's Congress of China.

Strengthen friendly exchanges and cooperation between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Chinese National People's Political Consultative Conference. The two sides agreed to promote the overall coordinating role of the Vietnam-China Bilateral Cooperation Steering Committee in directing ministries, branches and localities to promote the building of the Vietnam-China Community of Shared Future; strengthen mechanisms and forms of exchange and cooperation in strategic areas such as diplomacy, defense and security.

The Vietnamese side affirms its firm commitment to the “one China” policy, recognizing that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory, and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing all of China.

Support the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the great cause of China's reunification, resolutely oppose any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist actions, and do not develop any state-to-state relations with Taiwan.

Vietnam believes that the issues of Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet are China's internal affairs, and believes that under the leadership of the Chinese Party and Government, these regions will maintain stability and develop prosperously.

The Chinese side expressed its appreciation for these stances of Vietnam and expressed its support for Vietnam in maintaining social stability, ensuring national security and development, and national unity.

Thu tuong Trung Quoc Ly Cuong (trai) phat bieu tai hoi dam. Anh: Hai Nguyen
Chinese Premier Li Qiang (left) speaks at the talks. Photo: Hai Nguyen

6. The two sides agreed to strengthen defense and security cooperation, one of the important pillars in the overall Vietnam-China relationship.

(1) The two sides agreed to further strengthen exchanges at all levels between the two countries' armies, promote the role of channels such as Border Defense Friendship Exchange, Defense Strategy Dialogue, hotline between the two Ministries of National Defense; strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two armies in areas such as political work, personnel training, defense industry, and United Nations peacekeeping.

Continue to deepen border cooperation, strengthen coordination and collaboration in border protection and management.

Continue to effectively implement joint patrols in the Gulf of Tonkin and military ship visits; deepen the exchange and cooperation mechanism between the navies and coast guards of the two countries.

Welcome the early signing of the Border Agreement between the Ministries of National Defence of the two countries (revised version).

(2) The two sides agreed to promote the role of mechanisms such as the Ministerial Conference on Crime Prevention Cooperation, the Deputy Minister-level Strategic Security Dialogue, and the Deputy Minister-level Dialogue on Political Security; effectively deploy cooperation in the fields of security, intelligence, and counter-terrorism; and coordinate in combating cross-border crimes.

Strengthen information exchange and experience sharing on issues of counter-intervention, counter-secession, and prevention of “color revolutions”; strengthen exchanges and promote the establishment of a hotline between the Ministries of Public Security of the two countries, jointly protecting government security and regime security.

Effectively implement the State-level Agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons between Vietnam and China; establish and expand cooperation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of Emergency Management of China.

Promote the establishment and effective implementation of cooperation mechanisms between the local police of the two countries; enhance cooperation in the legal and judicial fields, creating a legal basis for comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and China in all fields.

7. The two sides agreed to promote the connection of development strategies between the two countries, effectively implement the Cooperation Plan connecting the “Two Corridors, One Belt” Framework with the “Belt and Road” Initiative; accelerate the promotion of infrastructure connection between the two countries in terms of railways, expressways, and border gate infrastructure; accelerate the construction of a road bridge across the Red River in the Bat Xat (Vietnam) - Ba Sai (China) area, enhance cooperation and exchange in road engineering; upgrade “soft connection” in terms of smart customs.

The two sides will promote the role of the Vietnam - China Railway Cooperation Working Group; accelerate the feasibility study of the Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong standard gauge railway line and develop a plan for two standard gauge railway lines Dong Dang - Hanoi and Mong Cai - Ha Long - Hai Phong; accelerate the connection of standard gauge rails from Lao Cai (Vietnam) to Hekou (China); promote the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two governments on the construction of the three above-mentioned standard gauge railway lines and the two sides will continue to discuss specific related cooperation work.

Promote the pilot construction of smart border gates at the Huu Nghi (Vietnam) - Huu Nghi Quan (China) international border gate and the dedicated road for transporting goods in the area of ​​landmarks 1088/2 - 1089 (Tan Thanh - Po Chai); coordinate to improve customs clearance efficiency at border gates; actively research and pilot the construction of a cross-border economic cooperation zone between Vietnam and China; jointly build safe and stable production and supply chains.

The two sides encourage and support enterprises with strength, reputation and advanced technology to invest in the other country, focusing on enhancing cooperation in the fields of high-tech agriculture, infrastructure, clean energy, digital economy, and green development; this will create a fair and favorable business environment for enterprises of the other country.

Deepen the exchange of experiences in reforming and managing state-owned enterprises, deploy cooperation in human resource training; actively research and strengthen cooperation in the field of important minerals.

Promote the effective role of the Working Group on Financial and Monetary Cooperation between the two countries, enhance information exchange and experience sharing on policy management and reforms in the financial and monetary sector, implement cross-border QR code connection cooperation, promote monetary cooperation, including research on payment cooperation in local currencies, and enhance capacity to prevent financial risks.

Accelerate the implementation of the Project to build a new facility 2 of the Academy of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy of Vietnam, the Project to repair and maintain the Vietnam - China Friendship Palace and other projects in the field of civil affairs.

Promote the role of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA); make good use of e-commerce platforms and exhibitions; strengthen customs cooperation, and expand the export of key goods from one country to another.

Promote the role of the E-commerce Cooperation Working Group and encourage enterprises of the two countries to implement e-commerce cooperation. China welcomes Vietnam to organize trade promotion activities in China.

Promote early signing of the Protocol on export products from Vietnam to China such as chili, passion fruit, raw bird's nest, and clean bird's nest.

China is willing to continue to create favorable conditions to open the market for Vietnamese agricultural products such as citrus fruits, avocados, custard apples, rose apples, traditional Chinese medicinal herbs of plant origin, buffalo meat, beef, pork, and products from livestock and poultry; and is willing to create conditions for Vietnam to establish additional Trade Promotion Offices in Haikou (Hainan) and some related localities in China.

Vietnam supports China's accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in accordance with the Agreement's standards and procedures; and actively welcomes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China's application to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

The two sides agreed to strengthen agricultural cooperation, promote cooperation in cultivation and agricultural processing. Strengthen cooperation in meteorology and disaster prevention and mitigation, exchange flood season hydrological data, promote cooperation in areas such as integrated water resources management, flood and drought disaster prevention, and irrigation science and technology.

Promote cooperation in Vietnam-China science and technology human resources; strengthen cooperation in areas such as nuclear safety regulations, intellectual property, and measurement standards.

8. The two sides affirmed that they will preserve the traditional friendship, keep in mind the common ideals and missions, and persistently promote the Vietnam-China friendship.

Coordinate well the organization of activities within the framework of the "Vietnam - China Humanitarian Exchange Year" 2025, as well as a series of congratulatory activities on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam - China diplomatic relations, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the two countries, especially the young generation.

Support localities of the two countries, especially border provinces (areas), to implement cooperation and exchange.

China supports Vietnam in establishing a Consulate General in Chongqing. Supports promoting the promotion of Vietnam-China friendship; encourages cooperation between media agencies, news publications, radio, television and cinema between the two countries; through the Party, youth, friendship cities and friendship organizations, exploits the "red relic" resources in localities such as Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and Chongqing; organizes research, study, cultural, tourism and people-to-people friendship exchange activities in various forms.

The two sides announced the official operation of the Ban Gioc Waterfall Scenic Area (Vietnam) - Detian (China), encouraging tourists from both sides to visit each other's countries, promoting tourism, and aviation cooperation to recover and develop healthily.

The two sides agreed to effectively implement various types of scholarships for Vietnamese students studying abroad and encourage student exchanges. The two sides will implement cooperation in vocational education.

Strengthen exchanges between universities and research institutes of the two countries; promote the role of the Chinese Cultural Center in Vietnam. China welcomes Vietnam to establish a Cultural Center in China.

Strengthening cooperation and exchange in the fields of medicine, health care, traditional medicine, etc.

Chu tich Quoc hoi Tran Thanh Man hoi kien Thu tuong Trung Quoc Ly Cuong. Anh: Hai Nguyen
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man meets with Chinese Premier Li Qiang. Photo: Hai Nguyen

9. The two sides affirmed to strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation in line with the process of building the Vietnam-China Community of Shared Future of strategic significance; persistently uphold multilateralism, adhere to the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" and basic norms of international relations, jointly protect the international system with the United Nations as the core and international order with international law as the foundation, protect international fairness, justice and the common interests of developing countries.

Firmly promote an equal, orderly multipolar world and comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable economic globalization.

Together we oppose hegemony, hegemonic behavior, bullying, together we oppose power politics, together we oppose all forms of unilateralism.

The two sides agreed to promote appropriate cooperation contents within the framework of major initiatives such as the Community of Shared Future for Humanity, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative.

The two sides advocate for promoting exchanges and cooperation in human rights issues on the basis of equality and mutual respect, promoting enhanced dialogue and international cooperation in the field of human rights, resolutely opposing “politicization”, “instrumentalization” and double standards in human rights issues, and resolutely opposing the use of human rights issues to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, and support each other's candidacy for international organizations. China supports Vietnam in hosting APEC 2027 and supports Vietnam's accession and promotion of its role in multilateral mechanisms.

The two sides agreed to jointly promote open regional cooperation. China supports ASEAN in building a united, united, self-reliant and developing ASEAN Community, maintaining its central role in the ever-changing regional structure; together with ASEAN countries, promoting the initiative of building “Five common houses” of peace, security, prosperity, beauty and friendship; and highly appreciating the substantive completion of negotiations on the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area version 3.0.

The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in various areas within the framework of the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation, make efforts to promote the building of a Community of Shared Future among Mekong-Lancang countries for peace and prosperity, and strengthen cooperation within the framework of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) economic cooperation.

The two sides agreed that relations between countries should comply with the United Nations Charter, international law and basic norms of international relations, adhere to mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and persist in resolving disagreements through peaceful means.

10. The two sides exchanged sincere and frank opinions on maritime issues, emphasizing the need to better control and actively resolve maritime disputes, maintain peace and stability in the East Sea and the region; agreed to adhere to the common perception of the high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and two countries, persistently pursue friendly consultations, properly control disputes, actively seek fundamental and long-term solutions acceptable to both sides in accordance with the Agreement on guiding principles for resolving maritime issues between Vietnam and China, international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, take no action to complicate the situation, expand disputes, and jointly maintain stability at sea.

Promote discussions on cooperation for joint development at sea and discussions on delimitation of sea areas outside the Gulf of Tonkin to achieve substantial progress soon, actively implement cooperation in less sensitive areas at sea, and strengthen cooperation in search and rescue at sea.

Continue to comprehensively and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), on the basis of consensus and consultation, to soon reach a substantive, effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The two sides agreed to promote the role of the joint land border committee and the Vietnam-China land border gate management cooperation committee, continue to effectively implement the three legal documents on the Vietnam-China land border and related agreements; strengthen security and order management in border areas; and actively promote the opening and upgrading of new border gates.

Well organize activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary of signing the Land Border Treaty and the 15th anniversary of signing 3 legal documents on the Vietnam - China land border.

11. During the visit, the two sides signed cooperation documents in the fields of transport connectivity, customs, people's livelihood, education, agricultural trade, press and media, banking, etc.

12. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the results of Prime Minister Li Qiang's visit to Vietnam, agreeing that the visit played a positive role in promoting the building of the Vietnam-China Community of Shared Future of Strategic Significance.

Premier Li Qiang thanked Vietnam for its warm and friendly reception and respectfully invited the Vietnamese leaders to visit China at a convenient time. The Vietnamese leaders expressed their gratitude and happily accepted the invitation.

Hanoi, October 14, 2024


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