On the afternoon of November 27, with 453 delegates in favor, the National Assembly voted to pass the "Resolution on investment policy for the National Target Program on Drug Prevention and Control until 2030".
Regarding the scope and implementation time of the Program, the National Assembly resolved to implement it nationwide from 2025 to the end of 2030.
Regarding funding, the National Assembly resolved that the total capital to implement the Program must be at least 22,450.194 billion VND, of which the minimum central budget capital is 17,725.657 billion VND; Local budget capital is 4,674.537 billion VND; Other legally mobilized capital is at least 50 billion VND.
The National Assembly also resolved that localities that balance their own budgets must ensure funding to implement the Program from their local budgets; the central budget will support localities that have not balanced their own budgets and are receiving support from the central budget to implement the Program.
Prioritize central budget support for drug prevention and control in key areas, areas with complex drug problems, areas with difficult socio-economic conditions, ethnic minority and mountainous areas, localities that have not yet balanced their budgets, urgent tasks of the Program must meet practical requirements; the allocation of central budget and arrangement of local budgets (including investment capital and regular expenses) must be consistent with the objectives, targets, tasks, activities and component projects of the Program, annual plans, actual situation and balancing capacity of the state budget.
Before the delegates voted to approve, Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh presented a report on receiving, explaining, and revising the draft Resolution.
Accordingly, some delegates suggested adding tasks and funding to the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, promoting the role of people, families and schools in drug prevention and control; some suggested continuing to review the responsibilities of relevant agencies and units and identifying the agency in charge of implementing the Program.
Regarding this issue, the National Assembly Standing Committee sees that drug prevention and control is the responsibility of the entire Party and the entire people. The results of drug prevention and control must rely on the strength of the entire political system, in which the police force plays a leading and core role, with the participation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations.
Therefore, according to the Government's documents, the Program plans to allocate about 5,650 billion VND for drug prevention and control work at the grassroots level, while at the same time, assigning the People's Committees at the commune level to proactively allocate funds and assigning units, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at the commune level to carry out this task.
During the implementation process, it is recommended that the Government clearly assign responsibilities, progress, time, and results to each agency and unit.
At the same time, the draft Resolution also identifies the Program as directed, managed, operated and implemented by the Steering Committees of National Target Programs at the central and local levels.