The case of Mr. Thich Chan Quang has not been properly handled


The case of Mr. Thich Chan Quang is a "scholar with real degrees" at the highest level of training but has not been handled properly and transparently.

On October 9, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the Government's report on the results of the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic development plan and the projected plan for 2025.

Referring to some contents in the fields of culture and education, Chairman of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly Vu Hong Thanh commented that there are still some shortcomings and limitations.

"In 2024, public opinion was stirred up by the case of "fake scholars, real degrees" at the highest level of training. However, the state management agency of education has not yet had a satisfactory, public, and transparent solution to the public," Mr. Vu Hong Thanh mentioned.

According to the report of the investigating agency, the above case is Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Thich Chan Quang) defended his thesis and was awarded a PhD degree at Hanoi Law University after about 2 years since graduating with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the part-time program.

After that, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City issued a document confirming: Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's name was not on the list of candidates and the list of names and scores in the 1989 high school supplementary graduation exam of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City and was not on the list of people awarded high school supplementary graduation certificates on June 6, 1989 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City.

The National Assembly's Economic Committee also stated that the network of schools, facilities, and teaching equipment have been invested in but still do not meet the requirements of developing the scale and improving the quality of education, especially in large cities.

The structure of the teaching staff is still unbalanced between subjects at the same level of education and between regions with different socio-economic conditions.

At the same time, there is a shortage of teachers at all levels of public preschool and primary schools in many localities across the country. The work of educating children and students in ethics, lifestyle, and life skills; the work of supporting, providing psychological counseling, and skills to prevent and combat violence and child and student abuse is not really effective. School violence still occurs in many places.

"The situation of overcharging at the beginning of the school year has been a hot issue for many years, causing frustration. There are opinions that in many places, the Parents' Representative Committee is an "extended arm" of the school, allowing negativity and overcharging to occur... If this organization does not operate properly in its functions and tasks, new solutions are needed in the education and management of students between the school and the family," the report stated.

Truong Ban Cong tac dai bieu Nguyen Thanh Hai. Anh: Van Toan
Head of Delegation Affairs Nguyen Thanh Hai speaks. Photo: Van Toan

Discussing at the meeting, Head of Delegation Affairs Nguyen Thanh Hai said that overcharging at the beginning of the year is an issue that people are very concerned about, affecting households.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai, this is a very old phenomenon and the Government, National Assembly, Ministry of Education and Training, and localities have actively monitored to resolve and handle it, but in reality it still exists.

"It can be said that the disease is old but needs new treatment. I think the Government's report should mention more measures that have been done and things that have not been done. This content has been done but there needs to be more new measures," Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai suggested.


Miễn học phí con nhà giáo là không công bằng, lợi ích nhóm


Theo đại biểu Quốc hội, việc đề xuất miễn học phí con nhà giáo mang tính lợi ích nhóm và giáo viên có quá nhiều "đặc quyền, đặc lợi".

Đề nghị tiếp tục chỉ đạo chấn chỉnh thị trường vàng


Chủ nhiệm Ủy ban Tư pháp đề nghị Chính phủ tiếp tục chỉ đạo quản lý, chấn chỉnh thị trường vàng, bảo đảm giá vàng không quá chênh lệch nhau.

Bước đầu xác định ông Thích Chân Quang dùng bằng cấp 3 giả


Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo cho biết, có căn cứ để khẳng định ông Thích Chân Quang dùng bằng cấp 3 giả.

Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

Chính sách thu hút đầu tư và cơ chế ưu đãi của Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng nhận được sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng doanh nghiệp.

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CII chi hàng nghìn tỉ đồng đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới

Lục Giang |

CII có những động thái đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới. Trong khi đó, công ty phải lùi thời gian trả cổ tức để cơ cấu lại nguồn tiền đầu tư và trả nợ trái phiếu.

"Đánh thuế bất động sản giúp giảm giá nhà là không thực tế"

Linh Trang - Vũ Linh |

GS. Đặng Hùng Võ - Nguyên Thứ trưởng Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường đã có những nhận định về đề xuất đánh thuế bất động sản thứ 2 của Bộ Xây dựng.

Exempting tuition fees for teachers' children is unfair and a group benefit


According to National Assembly delegates, the proposal to exempt tuition fees for teachers' children is a group interest and teachers have too many "privileges and benefits".

Proposal to continue directing the correction of the gold market


The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee proposed that the Government continue to direct the management and regulation of the gold market, ensuring that gold prices do not differ too much.

Initially, it was determined that Mr. Thich Chan Quang used a fake high school diploma


The Ministry of Education and Training said that there are grounds to confirm that Mr. Thich Chan Quang used a fake high school diploma.