Proposal to continue directing the correction of the gold market


The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee proposed that the Government continue to direct the management and regulation of the gold market, ensuring that gold prices do not differ too much.

On the morning of October 9, continuing the 38th session, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the Government's report on the results of implementing the socio-economic development plan.

Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Judicial Committee Le Thi Nga said that the real estate market is currently very complicated; land and apartment prices are pushed up very high, making it difficult for workers to access.

“The government needs to direct relevant agencies to manage prices well, helping the real estate market operate stably,” said Ms. Le Thi Nga, adding that it is necessary to speed up the issuance of documents guiding the implementation of three laws related to real estate that took effect on August 1.

In addition, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee assessed that the gold market still has many potential risks, although recently the State Bank has directed commercial banks to sell gold and has shortened the gap between domestic and international gold prices.

Ms. Le Thi Nga proposed that the Government continue to direct the management and rectification of the gold market, ensuring that the domestic and international markets do not have too much price difference.

Another issue is the complicated situation of fraud in cyberspace, especially fraud via social networks. The government needs to increase propaganda to raise people's vigilance.

Participating in the discussion, many opinions at the National Assembly Standing Committee highly appreciated the results of implementing the socio-economic development tasks in 2024. However, many opinions also suggested analyzing and clarifying the difficulties and challenges in implementing this task.

Tong Thu ky Quoc hoi Bui Van Cuong. Anh: Van Toan
Secretary General of the National Assembly, Head of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong. Photo: Van Toan

According to Secretary General of the National Assembly and Head of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong, it is necessary to "assess realistically, neither blackening nor embellishing".

The Secretary General of the National Assembly analyzed that the report devoted 49 pages to achievements and results, but only 5 pages to limitations. Is that really the case?

The Secretary General of the National Assembly said that it is necessary to analyze the difficulties more fully to balance achievements and limitations.

"In reality, in the picture of the economy, the current difficulties, especially the difficulties of enterprises, are not exactly as assessed in the report," Mr. Bui Van Cuong commented and suggested paying more attention to this content.

Chu tich Quoc hoi Tran Thanh Man phat bieu. Anh: Van Toan
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man speaks. Photo: Van Toan

Speaking at the meeting, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man emphasized that this year we are expected to achieve 14/15 targets, which is a very good thing. Growth is expected to be around 6.8-7%, exceeding the National Assembly's resolution (6.5%).

"The National Assembly and the people are happy with our economic picture," the National Assembly Chairman emphasized.

However, according to the National Assembly Chairman, the real estate market still has many shortcomings. Through the delegation's and the National Assembly's supervision of the implementation of policies and laws on real estate market management and social housing development from 2015-2023, there are many problems.

Therefore, the National Assembly Chairman said that there needs to be a solution to prevent the downward trend of the real estate market combined with better control of the number of new houses being built, that is, supply exceeds demand or there is demand but no ability to pay.

"Currently, when building new houses in big cities, people still say that after construction, they do not exploit them and there are no people," the National Assembly Chairman stated the reality and proposed to overcome this situation.


Có tình trạng nhà ở xã hội được mua bán bởi người giàu


Có tình trạng nhà ở xã hội được mua bán, trao đổi, cho thuê bởi những người giàu, thậm chí cả người nước ngoài mà không phải người lao động thu nhập thấp.

Đặt mục tiêu Việt Nam xếp hạng 31-33 thế giới về quy mô GDP


Năm 2025, Chính phủ đặt mục tiêu tăng trưởng GDP khoảng 6,5-7% và phấn đấu tăng trưởng cao hơn (7-7,5%) để xếp hạng 31-33 thế giới về quy mô GDP.

Thị trường vàng biến động bất thường ảnh hưởng đến người dân


Thị trường vàng biến động bất thường là một trong các vấn đề cử tri và nhân dân mong muốn Quốc hội, Chính phủ có biện pháp giải quyết trong thời gian tới.

Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

Chính sách thu hút đầu tư và cơ chế ưu đãi của Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng nhận được sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng doanh nghiệp.

Loạt thương hiệu âm thầm rời khỏi mặt bằng "đất vàng" Hà Nội

Thu Giang |

Hà Nội - Nhiều thương hiệu, cửa hàng kinh doanh đang âm thầm rút lui khỏi mặt bằng tuyến phố trung tâm Thủ đô.

Tin 20h: “Sâu đẻ ra tiền” nhiễm bệnh hàng loạt ở Lâm Đồng


“Sâu đẻ ra tiền” nhiễm bệnh hàng loạt ở Lâm Đồng; Dân lo lắng khi bãi biển dự kiến thành nơi đổ chất nạo vét...

CII chi hàng nghìn tỉ đồng đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới

Lục Giang |

CII có những động thái đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới. Trong khi đó, công ty phải lùi thời gian trả cổ tức để cơ cấu lại nguồn tiền đầu tư và trả nợ trái phiếu.

"Đánh thuế bất động sản giúp giảm giá nhà là không thực tế"

Linh Trang - Vũ Linh |

GS. Đặng Hùng Võ - Nguyên Thứ trưởng Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường đã có những nhận định về đề xuất đánh thuế bất động sản thứ 2 của Bộ Xây dựng.

There is a situation where social housing is bought and sold by the rich


There is a situation where social housing is bought, sold, exchanged, and rented by rich people, even foreigners, not low-income workers.

Vietnam aims to rank 31-33rd in the world in terms of GDP size


In 2025, the Government targets GDP growth of about 6.5-7% and strives for higher growth (7-7.5%) to rank 31-33 in the world in terms of GDP size.

Unusual fluctuations in the gold market affect people


The unusual fluctuations in the gold market are one of the issues that voters and people want the National Assembly and the Government to take measures to resolve in the coming time.