DHG Pharma: 5 decades of pride, gratitude and aspiration

Anh Sơn |

On the morning of August 31, Hau Giang Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (DHG Pharma) organized the annual traditional walking ceremony and celebrated its 50th birthday with the theme "50 years of continuous ambition" marking the proud 5-decade journey of DHG Pharma generations through many periods.

Mr. Toshiyuki Ishii - General Director of DHG Pharma performs the traditional ritual of the annual Walking Ceremony. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmacy (DHG Pharma)
Mr. Toshiyuki Ishii - General Director of DHG Pharma performs the traditional ritual of the annual Walking Ceremony. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmacy (DHG Pharma)

In 2024, when the 50-year milestone has come, DHG Pharma has gone through half a century with many ups and downs and also constant innovation. DHG Pharma knows that today's glory is not illuminated by any other light but by the light of talent, will and above all, the love for DHG Pharma of generations of officers and employees that have created a brilliant journey.

Speaking at the event, DHG Pharma General Director Toshiyuki Ishii said: “DHG Pharma’s achievements and future are the efforts of three generations. The previous generation – those who laid a solid foundation, worked hard to build and leave behind valuable, irreplaceable values. The current generation, we are grateful to the cajuput forests, the soldiers and pharmacists who worked hard to bring DHG Pharma from a field pharmacy to the leading position today.

We will continue to inherit and promote the tradition to take DHG Pharma further. And the future generation, the people of DHG Pharma are nurturing and placing their trust. With the culture of unity - empowering the successors of DHG Pharma, the brand will reach further in the international arena, but still maintain the original identity of the enterprise.

According to Mr. Toshiyuki Ishii, General Director of DHG Pharma, DHG Pharma aims to become a leading company in the healthcare sector in Vietnam. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmaceutical (DHG Pharma)
According to Mr. Toshiyuki Ishii, General Director of DHG Pharma, DHG Pharma aims to become a leading company in the healthcare sector in Vietnam. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmaceutical (DHG Pharma)

Looking to the future, DHG Pharma aims to maintain its leading position in the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry and continue to strive to become a leading company in the healthcare sector in Vietnam. Exploiting production lines that have achieved high standards such as Japan-GMP, upgrading EU-GMP standards for strategic production lines and products, optimizing production processes to increase efficiency and create competitive advantages. Continuing to invest heavily in research and development of new products, serving domestic and international markets, through connecting R&D activities with Taisho Company, as well as importing and distributing potential products related to healthcare.

In the upcoming journey, DHG Pharma continues to invest heavily in research and development of new products, serving the domestic and international markets. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmaceutical (DHG Pharma)
In the upcoming journey, DHG Pharma continues to invest heavily in research and development of new products, serving the domestic and international markets. Photo: Hau Giang Pharmaceutical (DHG Pharma)

Whether in the past, present, or future, DHG Pharma remains steadfast in its aspirations and desires as in the early days, constantly striving towards the goal of “for a healthier and more beautiful life,” emphasized Mr. Toshiyuki Ishii.

Anh Sơn

6 lợi ích bất ngờ của động tác xoa lòng bàn tay

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

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THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

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THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

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