MB was honored as "Outstanding Digital Transformation Enterprise" in 2024

Thuận Hiền |

At Vietnam Digital Awards 2024, Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB) was honored as "Outstanding Digital Transformation Enterprise" with three typical digital products: mSeller sales management software, MB Stellar payment fashion bracelet and MB JCB Be The Sky card.

On October 5, the Vietnam Digital Communications Association and VietTimes Electronic Magazine organized the Vietnam Digital Awards 2024. This is an annual award, sponsored by the Ministry of Information and Communications, to honor outstanding digital transformation achievements of state agencies, public service units, businesses and individuals who have contributed to promoting national digital transformation.

Continuing the "bumper harvest" of 2023, this year, the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB) owns three digital solutions honored in the category of "Outstanding Digital Transformation Enterprise", including mSeller sales management software, MB Stellar payment fashion bracelet and MB JCB Be The Sky card.

Join the youth trend

In recent years, MB has expanded its influence not only in the financial sector but also in modern lifestyle, leading the trend of today's youth. This is clearly demonstrated in two recent digital products of MB: MB Stellar payment fashion bracelet and MB JCB Be The Sky card.

As a leading bank in digital transformation and innovation, MB always surprises the market by continuously launching card products that are closely linked to the needs and lifestyles of young people. In early 2024, MB "caused a fever" when launching the unique product Be The Sky - the result of cooperation between the bank, singer Son Tung M-TP and international card organization JCB. This is also the first bank card in Vietnam to be directly linked to the activities of a celebrity.

MB “gay sot” khi tung ra san pham doc dao Be The Sky
MB "caused a fever" when launching the unique product Be The Sky

The MB JCB Be The Sky card integrates a dual ATM and credit card feature in one chip. This technology allows cardholders to flexibly use funds from their credit limit and payment account (prioritizing the most suitable funds for each type of customer transaction). The special feature of the Be The Sky card is that card information such as card number, expiration date, CVV... is not printed directly on the card surface. Instead, customers can view card information directly on the MBBank App, helping to minimize information disclosure when using it.

Designed exclusively for Son Tung M-TP's "Sky" fan community, the Be The Sky card is not only a financial product, but also a crystallization of music and technology elements, connecting fans with their idols.

MB Stellar – vong thoi trang thanh toan dau tien tai Viet Nam
MB Stellar – the first payment fashion ring in Vietnam

Launched in mid-November 2023, MB Stellar is the first payment bracelet in the Vietnamese market. MB Stellar brings breakthrough 5.0 payment technology by integrating 2 debit and credit chips in the same product. The product helps customers easily make one-touch payments without a network connection or charging, creating a smooth and enjoyable payment experience for users.

With a variety of designs, colors and a set of uniquely designed charms, MB Stellar is also water and dust resistant, suitable for all weather conditions and outdoor activities, especially for dynamic young people aged 25 - 40. Not just a payment product, MB Stellar also opens the door to the revolution of Wearable Payment Technology in Vietnam. With its convenience and fun, MB Stellar has been warmly welcomed by more than 10 million customers, online communities and domestic and foreign press.

Continuously improving user experience

For mSeller sales management software, the solution is highly appreciated by the council thanks to its outstanding and convenient payment experience for users. With a focus on simplifying operations and ease of use, mSeller brings benefits not only to shop owners, restaurant staff but also to diners.

The main function of mSeller is store management and sales support. In particular, the software prioritizes optimizing the user experience with functions such as: dynamic QR payment; iMenu system helps users order and pay automatically. The positive aspect of mSeller is not only in increasing business performance for store owners through detailed order reporting features, revenue management and online store status management, but also in minimizing transaction time and optimizing the ordering and payment experience.

Sharing about the award, MB representative said: “The 2024 Outstanding Digital Transformation Enterprise Award is the result of the customer-centric philosophy and the determination to constantly innovate and create of the MB team. This is both a special mark to celebrate MB's 30th birthday (November 4, 1994 - November 4, 2024), and a motivation for us to continue to conquer the vision of becoming a digital enterprise and a leading financial group by 2026."

Thuận Hiền

MB ra mắt dịch vụ dành cho người nước ngoài trên App MBBank

Khánh Nhiên |

Với gói sản phẩm chuyên biệt này, khách hàng là người nước ngoài có thể dễ dàng thực hiện giao dịch thanh toán chi tiêu tại Việt Nam thông qua App MBBank trên điện thoại.

MB tri ân 30 năm đồng hành bền vững cùng doanh nghiệp Việt Nam

Thuận Hiền |

MB kỷ niệm sinh nhật 30 năm với chương trình CHÀO MB 30 "Sinh nhật rộn ràng - ngập tràn quà tặng" tri ân khách hàng doanh nghiệp, khẳng định sự gắn kết và cam kết đồng hành lâu dài với cộng đồng doanh nghiệp Việt Nam.

Thưởng lãm nghệ thuật ánh sáng cùng Techcombank dịp 31 năm thành lập

Hồng Thắm |

Ngôn ngữ nghệ thuật Generative Art với hơn 13 triệu tia sáng đại diện cho những khách hàng luôn đồng hành cùng Techcombank đã làm người xem mãn nhãn tại các Hội sở Techcombank Quang Trung, Lê Duẩn và Trần Duy Hưng. Đây là một trong chuỗi hoạt động chào mừng 70 năm giải phóng Thủ đô Hà Nội, tưng bừng kỉ niệm 31 năm thành lập Techcombank “không ngừng tiến tới phiên bản vượt trội”.

Trẻ tăng độ cận chóng mặt, bác sĩ chỉ rõ nhiều nguyên nhân

Nhóm PV |

Cận thị ở trẻ nhỏ phát triển rất nhanh, gây ảnh hưởng tới học tập và sinh hoạt hàng ngày. Vì vậy, bác sĩ cảnh báo nguyên nhân thường gặp khiến trẻ dễ bị cận.

Tân Giám đốc Công an tham gia BCH, BTV Tỉnh ủy Quảng Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Tân Giám đốc Công an tỉnh Quảng Ninh được Ban Bí thư chỉ định tham gia BCH Đảng bộ tỉnh, Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Quảng Ninh nhiệm kỳ 2020-2025.

Khi khán giả không còn “dễ dàng” với nghệ sĩ thiếu chuẩn mực


Làn sóng tẩy chay ngày càng lan rộng là minh chứng cho thấy khán giả đang dần khắt khe và có yêu cầu cao hơn với nghệ sĩ và những người nổi tiếng.

IPA liên tục mua lại, vay mới hàng nghìn tỉ đồng trái phiếu

Lục Giang |

Cùng với việc mua lại trái phiếu, trước áp lực trả nợ trái phiếu đến hạn, IPA đã phải phát hành mới hàng nghìn tỉ trái phiếu để “đảo nợ”.

Báo cáo Chủ tịch tỉnh vụ thi học sinh giỏi ở Trường Lam Sơn


Thanh Hóa - Liên quan đến vụ lùm xùm thi học sinh giỏi cấp trường ở Trường THPT chuyên Lam Sơn, Sở GDĐT Thanh Hóa đã có báo cáo đến Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh này.

MB launches service for foreigners on MBBank App

Khánh Nhiên |

With this specialized product package, foreign customers can easily make payment transactions in Vietnam via the MBBank App on their phones.

MB honors 30 years of sustainable companionship with Vietnamese enterprises

Thuận Hiền |

MB celebrates its 30th birthday with the program CHAO MB 30 "Bustling birthday - full of gifts" to thank corporate customers, affirming the connection and commitment to long-term companionship with the Vietnamese business community.

Enjoy the art of light with Techcombank on the occasion of its 31st anniversary

Hồng Thắm |

The Generative Art language with more than 13 million rays of light representing customers who have always accompanied Techcombank has delighted viewers at Techcombank Headquarters in Quang Trung, Le Duan and Tran Duy Hung. This is one of a series of activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Hanoi Capital, and the jubilant celebration of the 31st anniversary of Techcombank's establishment "continuously moving towards a superior version".