New points of admission plan for top schools in 2025


Many universities have announced their 2025 enrollment plans. In general, some top schools tend to reduce their enrollment quota based on high school graduation exam scores.

As one of the first schools to announce the 2025 enrollment plan, the National Economics University maintains three stable admission methods: direct admission, combined admission, and admission by high school graduation exam scores.

In which, the school's combined admission method includes 3 subjects:

- Group 1: Candidates with SAT/ACT international proficiency assessment certificate;

- Group 2: Candidates are admitted based on the competency assessment test scores of Hanoi National University and Ho Chi Minh City National University; and the thinking assessment test scores of Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

- Group 3: Candidates with an international English certificate combined with the 2025 high school graduation exam scores of Math and 1 subject other than English.

Notably, in 2025, the National Economics University will only allocate 15% of its admission quota for the high school graduation exam score method, a decrease of 3% compared to 2024. Meanwhile, the combined admission method will increase its quota by 3% compared to last year.

At the same time, the school further announced that, with the method of considering high school graduation exam scores, the school will only use 4 admission combinations: A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry), A01 (Math, Physics, English), D01 (Math, Literature, English) and D07 (Math, Chemistry, English) instead of 9 combinations as in 2024.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology also reduced the admission quota based on high school graduation exam results, from 50% (in 2024) to an expected 40% in 2025 to increase the quota for other methods.

The school still maintains 3 stable admission methods: talent admission; admission based on thinking assessment test scores organized by this University and admission based on high school graduation exam scores.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology added that it is likely that the school will add some additional admission combinations to enroll students instead of mainly using the two combinations A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry) and A01 (Math, Physics, English) as it is currently using. Because the school predicts that the number of candidates choosing these two combinations this year will decrease or not be high.

Admissions to medical schools also have many new points. Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine increases enrollment targets for majors compared to 2024: Traditional Medicine (up 20%), Nursing (up 10%), Pharmacy (up 30%).

Regarding admission methods, the school will implement 6 admission methods in 2025 - an increase of 3 methods compared to last year. The school's admission methods: High school graduation exam results; Direct admission according to the regulations of the admission regulations; Using the results of the capacity assessment test, thinking assessment organized by other units for admission; Using only international certificates for admission; Combining high school graduation exam results with international certificates for admission; Using other methods

Another new point in 2025 is that Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine does not apply foreign language as a secondary criterion when considering equal scores like in 2024 and earlier.

Admission based on the results of separate exams is also the admission trend in 2025. Hanoi Pedagogical University, Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University, Hanoi National University, Ho Chi Minh City National University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Police schools... continue to organize capacity assessment and thinking assessment exams to use as a basis for admission.

Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 announced that it will organize its own exam in 2025 and will not use exam results organized by other units for admission consideration.

From 2025, military schools and academies will also organize their own computer-based competency assessment exams. The exam will include comprehensive knowledge of Math, Literature, English, and a combination of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Candidates will use the exam results to apply to military schools and academies with a quota of about 30% of the total enrollment quota.

2025 is the first year of high school graduation exams according to the 2018 general education program (new program). The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced sample exam questions (with answers) for this exam starting in 2025.

Students and parents can follow the sample exam HERE; see exam comments HERE.


Đề minh họa tốt nghiệp THPT hạn chế việc khoanh bừa vẫn đúng

Thạc sĩ Nguyễn Quang Thi - Trường THPT Bảo Lộc, Lâm Đồng |

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Giáo viên nhận xét độ khó đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2025

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Trang Hà |

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Trạm bơm tiền tỉ, chưa nghiệm thu đã thanh toán tiền rồi bỏ hoang hơn 4 năm


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Xây dựng Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa là nguyện vọng của nhân dân

VƯƠNG TRẦN thực hiện |

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High school graduation illustration questions limit random circling but still correct

Thạc sĩ Nguyễn Quang Thi - Trường THPT Bảo Lộc, Lâm Đồng |

The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the sample exam for the high school graduation exam for 2025. The exam does not have ready-made answers that students must solve, so there is no "luck" involved.

Teachers comment on the difficulty of the 2025 high school graduation exam

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New points in the 2025 medical school enrollment plan

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Medical schools have begun announcing their expected enrollment plans for 2025 with many new features.