The “threshold”

Việt Văn |

In the seventh lunar month, he does everything in a calm manner, avoiding quarrels at the company to create peace. He even reduced his work to avoid doing too much. He is not a superstitious person , but he still maintains the way of life "If you worship, you will be sacred, if you abstain, you will be good".

No one wants to cause trouble in this terrible weather, which can easily make people sick or upset. Yet it is still unavoidable. The secretary was as beautiful as an actress, had thin eyebrows, did her job very well, took care of all his paperwork and appointments, then suddenly fell ill. As soon as she recovered from her illness, she announced that she would quit her job in the next few days to prepare to marry a rich man.

He complained to the woman in charge of the organization, who was quite old and had curly hair in the style of instant noodles that was fashionable decades ago, about the secretary quitting her job without giving early notice according to the law. She softly explained: The boss must sympathize with her because she has a lot of work pressure. She has tried very hard, but she still had to take a leave of absence because she couldn't fulfill both company and family duties. Then she lowered her voice: Besides, many times she complained that her boss gave her too much work, so she was overloaded. He was about to yell: What is overload, but suddenly remembered that sometimes he was really too workaholic, so he forced the secretary to work overtime all day long. Seeing his silence, the head of the department organized extra food, acting understanding: The boss pays a really high salary, but not everyone is as strong and can do as much as the boss. Each person has their own psychological and health threshold , beyond which the body raises an alarm and must rest.

He intended to refute the head of the organizing department with a few words, but remembered that he had to keep the peace and had to ask an idle question: Who is her fiancé? The head woman, as expected of a "news agency" agency, hastily answered: She is the boss of the company that rents offices on the lower floor of the building. She stayed to work overtime when she happened to meet this guy who also stayed to work late. Every few times like that, we get to know each other and fall in love. Then she giggled and commented as if she had completely forgotten what she had just explained to the secretary: Just saying that going too far is not good, but maybe thanks to going too far like that it will turn into something better! In life, sometimes when you are pushed to the bottom, you find a way out.

Việt Văn

Chiêm ngưỡng vùng thượng nguồn sông Dương Tử ở Trung Quốc

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: Xinhua) |

Sông Đà Đà là vùng thượng nguồn của sông Dương Tử ở khu vực Thanh Hải, tây bắc Trung Quốc.

Biến động lãi suất 31.7: Tăng lãi liên tiếp, vượt ngưỡng 6%

Mai Ánh |

Lãi suất ngày 31.7: Thị trường ghi nhận thêm một ngân hàng tăng lãi suất, cao nhất lên tới 6,0%/năm.

Bồi dưỡng công chức làm công tác tín ngưỡng, tôn giáo


Theo Bộ Nội vụ, việc tập huấn, bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ công tác tín ngưỡng, tôn giáo luôn được Chính phủ quan tâm.

Xuất hiện thêm ngân hàng trả lãi suất vượt ngưỡng 8%/năm

Nhóm PV |

Thị trường ghi nhận hiện có 3 ngân hàng niêm yết lãi suất tiết kiệm từ 8%/năm.

Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


Lâm Đồng - Ông Võ Ngọc Hiệp - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ công tác điều hành, chỉ đạo để điều trị chấn thương.

Người dân TPHCM chật vật lội nước, xe cộ “chôn chân” sau cơn mưa lớn


TPHCM - Tối 7.10, cơn mưa lớn đã gây ngập sâu nhiều con đường ở quận Bình Thạnh, khiến người dân chật vật lội nước và kẹt xe về nhà.

Chủ quán cafe ở Thái Bình "choáng" vì hóa đơn nước quá cao


Thái Bình - Chủ quán kinh doanh cafe tại TP Thái Bình gửi đơn khiếu nại đến công ty nước sạch vì hóa đơn tiền nước liên tục tăng cao bất thường theo thời gian.

Công bố nguyên nhân vụ 59 người ở chung cư nghi bị ngộ độc


Nghệ An - Bể nước tại chung cư Golden City 3 (TP. Vinh) có nhiều vi sinh vật gây đau bụng, tiêu chảy cho 59 người dân.

Admire the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: Xinhua) |

The Tuo River is the upstream region of the Yangtze River in the Qinghai region, northwest China.

Interest rate fluctuations July 31: Continuously increasing interest rates, exceeding the 6% threshold

Mai Ánh |

Interest rates on July 31: The market recorded another bank raising interest rates, the highest up to 6.0%/year.

Training civil servants in charge of belief and religious affairs


According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the training and professional development in belief and religion work is always a concern of the Government.

More banks appear to pay interest rates exceeding the threshold of 8%/year

Nhóm PV |

The market notes that there are currently 3 banks listing savings interest rates from 8%/year.