“The Tale of Lady Ok” tells the story of Goo Deok (Lim Ji Yeon)'s (Lim Ji Yeon) journey to success, a runaway slave posing as Lady Ok Tae Young.
After its premiere on the evening of November 30, 2024, the work received many positive responses and impressive viewership ratings, with the highest rating to date being 11.061% (in episode 10).
Explaining the film's success, Korea Times highly appreciated the plot, character building and acting.
According to Korean newspapers, unlike the weak female role often seen in many historical dramas, Goo Deok's strong, independent female lead image receives a lot of sympathy from the audience.
For example, when a noble wanted to harm him, Goo Deok was ready to stand up and fight back. After escaping from slavery and living under the identity of Tae Young, Goo Deok still showed his personality.
As an oejibu (lawyer), Goo Deok repeatedly challenged the injustices of the times, and fought for the oppressed.
She sets out to find the truth behind the death of Baek Yi - her maid, to restore the honor of Sung Yoon Gyeom's (Choo Young Woo) family - her husband's family.
Goo Deok also rescued slaves exploited by their owners, children forced into illegal mining, and exonerated widows who were criticized for being immoral when they remarried after their husbands died...
The media commented that the way Goo Deok was portrayed as a responsible woman with a kind heart and the pursuit of happiness helped her become a heroine in the Joseon era.
As shared by screenwriter Park Ji Suk: “Although Goo Deok was born into a low social class, she never gave up. She fought against her fate and created her own path. And despite facing countless challenges, Goo Deok always survived, proving her strength and determination.”
In fact, the image of a powerful woman who leads the story is part of the trend in Korean historical dramas. With the success of “The Legend of Lady Ok”, the media predicts that there will be more works of this genre released to audiences in the near future.