Flowing Water: How to Love Jiang Ci by Wei Zhao and Bui Diem


The movie "Love of Nirvana" (English name: Love of Nirvana) is a Chinese movie that attracts attention because of the love triangle between Giang Tu, Ve Chieu, and Bui Diem.

"Flowing Water Flows" in the new episodes revolves around the relationship between the three characters Giang Tu, Ve Chieu, and Bui Diem. They experience a love triangle when both the male supporting character and the male lead have feelings for the female lead.

Previously, many viewers blamed the female lead Giang Tu for leaving Bui Diem to follow Ve Chieu. However, if you follow the whole journey, it is clear that the way the two male characters love in the film is different.

In which, Giang Tu and Bui Diem's ​​love is different from that of ordinary couples.

Giang Tu worships and admires Bui Diem, it is more out of gratitude for someone who saved her life than a true lover.

Giang Tu had politely refused many times when Bui Diem wanted her to stay at the Marquis's mansion before Bui Diem acted inappropriately towards her.

With Bui Diem, many viewers pointed out that this way of loving is probably influenced by her mother.

Since childhood, she has always controlled Bui Diem, wanting everything to go her way. At first, she took advantage of Giang Tu and gradually developed feelings for him, but these feelings were not strong enough, because Bui Diem still had a whole family on her shoulders, so Bui Diem's ​​top priority was still the Bui family, not Giang Tu.

Many viewers think that Bui Diem's ​​feelings in "Flowing Water" are too restrictive, heavy, and controlling. Bui Diem's ​​way of loving is somewhat toxic when he wants Giang Tu to be in the palm of his hand according to his will, without caring whether he is at fault or not. He only thinks about possessing the other person.

Although the male supporting role Bui Diem is portrayed as a strong, courageous man, the audience thinks his way of loving is not suitable for Giang Tu's personality.

Because Giang Tu is a girl who loves freedom and does not like being tied down to a certain relationship. However, when she loves Bui Diem, she feels like she is locked in a cage.

Meanwhile, with Ve Chieu, although he himself has made mistakes with Giang Tu many times, but in contrast to Bui Diem, Ve Chieu is more open-minded, and his way of loving is also more free. Therefore, it is suitable for Giang Tu's wishes.

Giang Tu is a street girl, who has had the ideal of living freely since childhood and wants to pursue her ideals. Therefore, it is understandable that when she met a suitable person with a similar personality, she fell in love with Ve Chieu.


Sự nghiệp thuận lợi của Triệu Lệ Dĩnh sau giải thị hậu


2 bộ phim mới sắp chiếu của Triệu Lệ Dĩnh không chỉ được chú ý, mà còn giúp nữ diễn viên đón thêm tin vui.

Vai diễn tranh cãi ở Lưu thủy điều điều, Lý Lan Địch nói gì?


Lý Lan Địch là nữ chính trong phim "Lưu thủy điều điều", vai diễn của cô gây tranh cãi vì được cho là yêu đương mù quáng. Nữ diễn viên đã có những phản hồi.

Nữ chính "Lưu thủy điều điều" Lý Lan Địch và ồn ào hẹn hò


Lý Lan Địch - nữ chính "Lưu thủy điều điều" - từng vướng ồn ào hẹn hò ngôi sao Trương Tân Thành.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

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Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

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