Son Tung M-TP and Vietnamese stars who promote learning


While Negav faced a storm of criticism for his statements related to dropping out of school, Son Tung M-TP and many Vietnamese stars attracted attention for always promoting studying.

"Mom, do you think it's right to let me stay home from school?" - rapper Negav's statement at the Anh trai say hi concert has caused fierce controversy in recent days.

Negav's statement is considered an act of encouraging skipping school, while he has many young fans who are still in school.

At this time, the views and orientations related to studying of many Vietnamese stars such as Son Tung M-TP, Ha Anh Tuan, Tang Thanh Ha, Toc Tien, Midu... are receiving attention.

Recently, a post by Son Tung in 2013 was widely shared, with the content: “I feel like I’m still really young. Not only do I have to improve my musical knowledge, but I also have to improve my way of dealing with people.

I will have to study more to be able to improve my knowledge of music and knowledge of living in this world. I have to train myself, no one can help me but myself. Keep trying!".

At that time, Son Tung was only 19 years old, in the early years of his music career. His humble spirit, eagerness to learn and constant effort made many audiences admire him.

Son Tung khuyen em trai nen cham chi hoc hanh. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Son Tung advised his younger brother to study hard. Photo: Character's Facebook

The singer of "Give it to me" is known to have been the valedictorian of the Vocal Music program at the Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music, with an entrance score of 25.5 and a high competition rate.

Later, when he became a famous singer, in a video message to his younger brother MONO, Son Tung said that every time he came home and sat together, the male singer often told his younger brother: "Try hard, Hoang, focus on studying so that the future will be good. I'm past this age, I know what's bad and what's good."

In an interview, Son Tung thanked his parents, because their upbringing helped him not to delete anything he had posted on social media in the past. The male singer is always proud of those posts.

This also reminds the public of the series of vulgar and tactless posts that Negav was recently exposed for. Many people think that Negav's lack of education is the reason for his controversial statements and behavior.

Ha Anh Tuan la ca si co thanh tich hoc tap dang ne. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Ha Anh Tuan is a singer with impressive academic achievements. Photo: Facebook character

Ha Anh Tuan is also known as a singer with "huge" academic achievements. He is a student majoring in Chemistry at Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted in Ho Chi Minh City, and has been an excellent student in Chemistry in the whole city three times.

The singer of "Xuan Thi" passed 2 universities (Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences and Banking University), then went to study abroad in Germany, majoring in Chemistry.

Ha Anh Tuan once spoke frankly about the major weakness of Vietnamese students studying abroad, which is self-doubt. He advised students not to hide their ignorance, but to engage in practical activities and improve their knowledge and skills.

"Jade girl" Tang Thanh Ha has a non-stop learning journey. Although her high school studies were interrupted due to her early pursuit of acting and having to attend a high school supplementary program, Tang Thanh Ha later decided to take the Commerce major at RMIT University instead of choosing the Culture - Arts major.

Halfway through her studies, the actress took a leave of absence and went to Singapore to study Hotel Management and English. After returning from her studies, Tang Thanh Ha returned to complete her studies at RMIT and received her diploma in 2012.

In addition, My Linh, Toc Tien, Midu, Miss Ngoc Han, supermodel Ha Anh... are also Vietnamese stars with good academic achievements admired by the public.

Toc Tien, Tang Thanh Ha la 2 trong so sao Viet co thanh tich hoc tap tot. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Toc Tien and Tang Thanh Ha are two of the Vietnamese stars with good academic achievements. Photo: Facebook of the characters

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