Trieu Le Dinh surpassed Duong Yen to win the 34th Phi Thien pageant


On the evening of September 21, Trieu Le Dinh surpassed Duong Yen to win the 34th Phi Thien Best Actress Award. This is a major award in the career of this 8x actress.

Accordingly, the 34th Fei Tian Awards will open on September 21 in Xiamen City, China. This event will not only feature famous works such as Cuong Phong, Tam The, Khoi Dau, Phon Hoa, Huyen Uy Dai Vien but also gather many stars such as Duong Yen, Ho Ca, Trieu Le Dinh... to participate in the award categories.

Among the award categories, the race for the title of "Best Actress" and "Best Actor" is the center of attention. Especially when Trieu Le Dinh and Duong Yen compete with each other.

As a result, Trieu Le Dinh surpassed Duong Yen to win the 34th Phi Thien pageant.

Previously, Tang Yan was nominated for the “Best Actress” award at the Magnolia Awards for her role in the film Phon Hoa. She not only had great appeal but was also highly appreciated for her acting, but in the end, she could not surpass Chau Tan, causing many people to regret.

This time, Duong Yen continues to be nominated, many people hope that this time she will win. Besides Duong Yen's Prosperity, Trieu Le Dinh's 2 works, Ban Ha Wind and Happiness Comes to Thousands of Families, are also nominated.

Before the awards ceremony, many people speculated that the winner of the Best Actress award would be Zhao Liying and that Tang Yan would once again go home empty-handed. And as predicted, the beauty surnamed Zhao won overwhelmingly.

In the near future, Trieu Le Dinh has 2 projects about to be released to the audience. In the television field, the film "Kieu Nghien's Confessions" has just set a broadcast schedule and has achieved many remarkable achievements.

The film is scheduled to be released on October 26. The newly released trailer has become a hot topic of discussion on social media platforms.

Topics related to the film such as "Trieu Le Dinh's appearance wearing earrings as Kieu Nghien is very attractive" reached 24 million views, "Your order is about to be delivered" reached more than 91 million views.

In addition, the topic "Kieu Nghien" has reached 390 million reads on Wechat, increasing its popularity compared to the time before the trailer was released.

In addition, "Lust for Love" is a movie starring Tieu Uong, Trieu Le Dinh, and Luu Diep, and has also revealed a trailer and a series of new photos. The movie is scheduled to be released in theaters from October 1.

Thus, Trieu Le Dinh has 2 movies to be released to the audience next October.

"The Road of Desire" is also a suspense film project similar to "The Confessions of Kieu Nghien". But unlike Kieu Nghien, the character Anh Tu played by Trieu Le Dinh is a mother whose daughter was sold. In addition, the setting of "The Road of Desire" is much darker and the subject of child kidnapping easily attracts the attention of the audience.


Điền Hi Vi lấn át Nhậm Gia Luân khi "Bán thục nam nữ" lên sóng?


Với thành tích "Lưu thủy điều điều" khá khiêm tốn, Nhậm Gia Luân có thể bị Điền Hi Vi vượt mặt khi phim "Bán thục nam nữ" lên sóng.

Phim của Nhậm Gia Luân tăng số tập nhưng thành tích đi xuống


Dù có khởi đầu tốt, nhưng những tập về sau, phim "Lưu thủy điều điều" của Nhậm Gia Luân đang có thành tích đi xuống.

Dương Tử, Triệu Lệ Dĩnh so kè thành tích phim cổ trang


Trong bảng xếp hạng lượt xem các phim cổ trang ra mắt năm nay, Dương Tử, Triệu Lệ Dĩnh, Ngô Cẩn Ngôn chiếm ưu thế.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

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Duong Tu and Trieu Le Dinh compete for historical film achievements


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