Concerns about teachers not being allowed to teach regular students

Trang Hà - Tuấn Anh |

Currently, many people are wondering the regulation that teachers are not allowed to teach extra classes outside and collect money from regular students.

Trang Hà - Tuấn Anh

Teachers are not allowed to teach regular students at the center


Teachers who are teaching at school are not allowed to teach extra classes outside of school with fees from regular students, even through the center.

Reasons why teachers and students agree to eliminate early admission


Eliminating early admission is a positive change, to ensure fairness in university admissions and help students have a good awareness of completing the study program.

Discussion: Solutions for effective implementation of Circular 29 on extra teaching and learning


Circular 29 on tutoring and extra learning was born with many advances, expected to have a positive impact on the quality of education.

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Teachers are not allowed to teach regular students at the center

Trang Hà |

Teachers who are teaching at school are not allowed to teach extra classes outside of school with fees from regular students, even through the center.

Reasons why teachers and students agree to eliminate early admission

Trang Hà |

Eliminating early admission is a positive change, to ensure fairness in university admissions and help students have a good awareness of completing the study program.

Discussion: Solutions for effective implementation of Circular 29 on extra teaching and learning

Nhóm PV |

Circular 29 on tutoring and extra learning was born with many advances, expected to have a positive impact on the quality of education.