Inadequacies surrounding the announcement of graduate employment

Chân Phúc - Tường Vân |

Statistics show that the rate of students finding jobs after graduation is high in many universities. In particular, many majors have a rate of nearly 100%. However, according to experts, this has only been announced one-sidedly and has not been compared by the authorities.

The employment rate of graduates is nearly 100%

At the University of Natural Sciences - Ho Chi Minh City National University, statistics show that the rate of students having jobs after 1 year of graduation (2023) in many majors is high, such as Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (high quality), Computer Science (advanced program), Environmental Science, Geology reaching 100%; Biology reaching 92.21%; Physics reaching 95.83%... Oceanography and Nuclear Engineering have the lowest rate, reaching 66.67%.

Similarly, at the International University - Ho Chi Minh National University, many majors have absolute employment rates such as English Language, Data Science, Logistics and Supply Chain Management... The remaining majors mostly reach 80% or more, except for Environmental Engineering which only reaches 50%.

At Ton Duc Thang University, Dr. Tran Trong Dao - Principal of the school - said that in the 2023 - 2024 school year, the school issued graduation decisions and awarded doctoral degrees to 6 graduate students; awarded master's degrees to 87 graduate students and 6,878 students were awarded university degrees, of which 9.33% graduated with honors and distinctions, 61% graduated with good grades. The rate of graduates of the school having jobs within 12 months from the date of graduation reached 99.4%; graduates who did the right thing and related to their training accounted for 82.9%.

MSc. Pham Thai Son - Director of the Admissions and Communications Center of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade - said that the overall employment rate of students graduating in 2023 is 91%, of which Electronics, Mechanics and Fashion Design have the highest rate, reaching 99%; majors such as Food Technology, Information Technology, Chemical Technology have an employment rate of 88%; the remaining majors reach over 85%.

"The rate of students having jobs in the right field is highest in Engineering and Technology at 92%; while Law, English, Tourism, and Business are at 80 - 88%" - Mr. Son informed.

In the Northern region, the employment rate of graduates at schools is also very high. For example, at the National Economics University, the report on the employment situation of graduates in 2023 shows that the employment rate of graduates ranges from 80 - 100%.

Or at Foreign Trade University, the survey results of the employment rate of graduates within 12 months after graduation in 2022 is 98.79% (out of a total of 3,657 students). 4 training majors with a 100% employment rate of graduates include: English, French, Chinese, Japanese.

Survey samples are not uniform.

According to the Ministry of Education and Training's guidelines, the school's enrollment plan must disclose the employment rate of graduates, but does not specify which rate. This leads to the fact that there is always disagreement and inconsistency in the number of survey samples between schools. In some schools, the survey sample rate is only about half of the number of graduates.

The disagreement in survey sampling makes many people worry about the objectivity and fairness when comparing graduation rates between schools to make appropriate choices.

Dr. Le Viet Khuyen - former Deputy Director of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vice President of the Association of Vietnamese Universities and Colleges - said that the survey data on the rate of students having jobs after graduating from universities of the schools is currently only published one-sidedly and has not been compared by the authorities.

"The rate of students having jobs after graduation is very important, it is the basis for educational institutions to evaluate and improve training quality.

Therefore, the sampling for the survey must be extremely meticulous, from the connection, so that students see their responsibilities even after graduation, to building a reasonable questionnaire. This, in addition to one-sided announcement from the schools, requires supervision, comparison, and verification from the Ministry of Education and Training, and even society," Mr. Khuyen suggested.

Chân Phúc - Tường Vân

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