In the first 10 days of the month, the continental cold high pressure will continue to weaken and move to the East. The low pressure area in the West dominating the Northern provinces continues to develop and gradually expand to the East.
Around March 4-5, the continental cold high pressure will strengthen again and have quite strong intensity, lasting until about March 9-10, then weakening and moving to the East.
It is likely that a low pressure area will appear in the East Sea around March 9-10, causing thunderstorms and dangerous weather at sea.
The weather in Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces and cities in the South will be hot and sunny from March 1-4. From March 4 to 7 and March 9-10, there will be rain in some places with the possibility of moderate rain, local heavy rain. In March 2025, the temperature in the South will increase significantly compared to the previous month.
In mid-March and the first half of the week, the cold air weakens and shifts to the East; the low pressure area in the East Sea is likely to last for a few days.
In the second half of the weekend, the cold air will weaken, the hot low pressure in the West will develop and expand to the East.
The weather in the South is generally characterized by scattered showers and thunderstorms, hot weather in the Eastern region and some places in the southwestern border area of the Western region in the second half of the week.
In the last week of the month, the hot low pressure in the West tends to become stronger. The cold air is weak, shifting to the East and is almost unlikely to diffuse down to the Southern region. In the last few days of the month, the equatorial low pressure trough is likely to slightly lift the axis to the North.
The weather in the South during the week is very sunny with a few days of widespread hot weather. Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall due to local temperature convergence are likely to appear in a few days.