Enterprises contribute greatly to Dak Lak's economic development


Dak Lak - The business community and enterprises in Dak Lak province have been making important contributions to the local economic and social development.

On October 13, Dak Lak Provincial Business Association coordinated with the Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Association to organize the 20th anniversary of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Day (October 13, 2004 - October 13, 2024).

Attending the program were Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Ms. Huynh Thi Chien Hoa - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Thien Van - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee...

In the first 9 months of 2024, the province had 1,159 newly established enterprises. Currently, the province has about 13,118 registered and operating enterprises. In recent years, enterprises and entrepreneurs have made many efforts to innovate modern equipment and restructure production and business to suit current requirements.

In addition, the business community has actively participated in solving employment and social security issues. Thereby, it has made an important contribution to promoting and developing the local economy and society.

Cong dong doanh nghiep da co nhieu dong gop quan trong cho su phat trien kinh te - xa hoi tai dia ban tinh Dak Lak. Anh: Bao Trung
The business community has made many important contributions to the socio-economic development in Dak Lak province. Photo: Bao Trung

Mr. Pham Dong Thanh - Chairman of the Dak Lak Province Young Entrepreneurs Association - said that since the beginning of the year, due to the impact of the global economic recession, members of the association have made efforts to overcome difficulties.

Many units have been flexible, changing business methods to suit market trends, creating jobs, and retaining workers. In addition, since the beginning of the year, the association has also organized a number of social security programs, supporting difficult cases affected by storms.

Mr. Nguyen Thien Van - Vice Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee - acknowledged and praised the positive contributions of the business community and enterprises in the province in the past time. The units have proactively removed difficulties and obstacles, continuously learned and applied advanced science and technology to production and business activities... Thereby, making important contributions to the overall economic and social development of the whole province, creating jobs for local workers.

"The province will always accompany the business community to listen to legitimate suggestions and recommendations and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles.

Hopefully, with the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and strong aspirations to rise, the business community and entrepreneurs of Dak Lak province will continue to develop and overcome all challenges. From there, continue to affirm and reach further in the process of integration and development", the Vice Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee emphasized.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises awarded Certificates of Merit to 11 groups and 9 individuals who had outstanding achievements in building and developing the Dak Lak Provincial Business Association; The Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 18 groups and 23 individuals who had made many contributions to the province's social security work in 2024.


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