Quang Binh's effective solution in flood and storm prevention


Storm and flood resistant housing projects are being carried out to help people in Quang Binh province overcome natural disasters.

More than 4,700 flood and storm-proof housing projects have been implemented.

Over the past 4 years, Quang Binh province has built 4,748 flood and storm-proof houses through programs and projects with a total cost of more than 213 billion VND.

Quang Binh Provincial People's Committee informed that the implementation of flood and storm-proof house models has affirmed the correct policies and decisions of the Party and State in natural disaster prevention and control. Policies, programs and projects on flood-proof house construction have received the consensus, support and high appreciation of all classes of people, especially poor households.

Nha phao giup nguoi dan huyen Minh Hoa an toan trong lu lut. Anh: T. Hoang
Floating houses help people in Minh Hoa district stay safe during floods. Photo: T. Hoang

Some highly appreciated flood-proof houses include floating houses, community house models combined with natural disaster prevention, 2-storey flood-proof hut models, etc.

Investing in the construction of storm- and flood-resistant housing projects has improved the ability to prevent and reduce damage caused by natural disasters, as demonstrated in practice, especially in the historic flood in October 2020.

Solid stilt houses to avoid floods and storms have helped hundreds of households in Quang Ninh and Le Thuy districts safely overcome floods, and have also been a shelter for many people during days of rising water.

The floating house model is also very effective in areas that are often deeply flooded such as Minh Hoa and Tan Hoa communes (Minh Hoa district); cultural houses and community houses combined with natural disaster prevention have created favorable conditions for people's cultural activities, contributing to the socio-economic development of the beneficiary areas.

Nearly 760 billion VND needed to replicate the model

Quang Binh also encountered difficulties in the process of implementing flood and storm shelters. For example, the implementation of storm and flood shelter projects in the area is still stuck with many procedures such as the lack of planning and annual land use plans for construction land funds, so land conversion procedures are slow, affecting project progress.

Funding for programs and projects is still limited, while the price of raw materials and construction labor is increasing, so people face many difficulties in building and renovating houses according to designs that ensure storm and flood resistance requirements.

Quang Binh province has also made specific recommendations and proposals in the coming time. The locality requested ministries, branches, organizations, domestic and international enterprises to join hands to support Quang Binh province in expanding the construction of storm and flood prevention models in localities in the coming time with a total cost of about 758.2 billion VND. Of which, the number of floating houses in Minh Hoa district is 400, with an estimated cost of about 16 billion VND. Building solid houses to prevent storms and floods for about 6,000 poor households across the province, with an estimated cost of about 540 billion VND. Building 77 flood-proof houses, storm shelters combined with community activity houses for areas that are frequently heavily flooded with an estimated cost of about 202.2 billion VND.


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Chồng chéo rừng phòng hộ, dân gặp khó khi thu hoạch rừng keo


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Nhà máy xử lý rác ở Lâm Đồng hứa sẽ giải quyết một phần tiền lương trước ngày 15.9, nhưng đến nay, người lao động vẫn mòn mỏi đợi chờ.

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