Urgently fix serious landslides in Do Son district, Hai Phong

Hoàng Khôi |

Do Son District (Hai Phong) still has 17 landslides after storm No. 3, including serious landslides with the risk of re-landslides.

Landslides buried many houses

Speaking to Lao Dong, Mr. Ngo Viet Dong - Head of the Economic Division of Do Son District - said that the whole district currently has 17 landslides after storm No. 3, including very serious landslides. The landslides caused 4 households to have their houses washed away, collapsed, buried, and have no place to live, while 46 households have not lost their houses, and are at very high risk of landslides, collapses, and cannot continue to live. Because before storm No. 3, the locality evacuated all households in the foothills and mountains at risk of landslides to safe shelters, there were no casualties. After the storm, the landslide areas were all fenced off, and households were evacuated to new places, and did not return to their homes to ensure safety.

The landslides are mainly concentrated in Van Huong ward. Mr. Dinh Xuan Thuy - Vice Chairman of Van Huong ward People's Committee - said that out of 10 landslides in the area, 4 landslides are related to residential areas. 7 houses were buried by rocks and soil, completely damaged, unable to continue to be used, 6 houses were severely damaged...

According to Lao Dong reporters' observations, in the area of ​​Den Nghe Street, Van Huong Ward, many large rocks, tens of cubic meters in weight, rolled down from the mountain, crushing the roofs and walls of houses. Trees on the hill also drifted away with the soil, falling all over.

In addition to landslides affecting houses, Do Son district also had a landslide on Hieu Tu street right in area 3 of Do Son tourist area. "This landslide does not affect the entire structure, but to ensure traffic safety, the locality has also put up barriers, not allowing people and vehicles to pass through" - Vice Chairman of Van Huong Ward People's Committee said.

It is worth mentioning that this route also experienced landslides since 2022. Specifically, after storm No. 3 in 2022, Hieu Tu route subsided by about 40m, this is also one of the 7 major landslides in 2022 that have been repaired by the locality.

Nhieu diem sat lo nghiem trong o quan Do Son, Hai Phong. Anh: Hoang Khoi
Many serious landslides in Do Son district, Hai Phong. Photo: Hoang Khoi

Overcoming landslides, ensuring safety for people

To support households whose houses were damaged by landslides, Van Huong ward proposed to support 7 households to build new houses (each household 100 million VND), 6 households to repair with a cost of 20 million VND/household; 10 households in difficult circumstances, houses damaged with a support level of 10 million VND/household. The locality is also continuing to review to support households in a timely and appropriate manner.

Along with measures to support people to take shelter, recently, the People's Committee of Do Son District also invited a delegation of experts from the University of Mining and Geology to survey 17 landslide sites in the district. From there, they discussed long-term solutions to limit landslides and ensure people's safety.

Regarding the landslide on Hieu Tu Street (Area 3 of Do Son tourist area), according to the representative of Van Huong Ward People's Committee, because the road is under the management of the City Department of Transport, the subsidence and landslide situation has been overcome in 2023 and is in the plan to continue embankment to prevent landslides.

In addition to preventing traffic from passing through the landslide on Hieu Tu Street, the locality continues to propose that city authorities soon deploy embankments from the foot of the slope to the road surface.

However, this area is stuck with a part of the project land, so the ward proposed that the city reclaim the project land to remedy the landslide situation or request the project investor to coordinate in implementing anti-landslide works.

Along with that, review other landslide points and landslide risks in the area to soon have solutions to overcome, warn, and ensure safety for people and tourists when coming to Do Son.

Hoàng Khôi

Bắc Hà di chuyển khẩn cấp nhiều hộ dân khỏi khu vực sạt lở

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - 5 hộ dân tại xã Bảo Nhai (Bắc Hà) có nhà bị đất đá sạt vào làm hư hỏng và ảnh hưởng đến kết cấu, tiềm ẩn nguy cơ sập đã được di dời đến nơi an toàn.

Thi công chống sạt lở, phát hiện quả bom gần chân cầu


Hà Tĩnh - Quá trình thi công dự án kè chống sạt lở bờ sông Ngàn Mọ qua xã Cẩm Duệ (huyện Cẩm Xuyên), đơn vị thi công phát hiện một quả bom gần cầu Chợ Vực.

Khẩn trương di dời 1 hộ dân khỏi vùng sạt lở đất ở Lâm Đồng


Lâm Đồng - Xã Lộc Thành, huyện Bảo Lâm vừa khẩn trương di dời một hộ dân khỏi vùng sạt lở đất để đảm bảo an toàn.

"Méo mặt" vì giá thuê nhà trọ trong ngõ quá cao

Thu Giang |

Hà Nội - Loạt căn nhà trọ nằm sâu trong ngõ chật hẹp, bí bách tại các quận vẫn được cho thuê với giá 4,5-5 triệu đồng/tháng khiến nhiều người bất ngờ.

Loạt biện pháp mạnh của Bắc Ninh xử lý ô nhiễm "3 điểm nóng"

Trần Tuấn |

UBND tỉnh Bắc Ninh vừa có công văn về việc tiếp tục tăng cường xử lý, tiến tới xử lý dứt điểm ô nhiễm môi trường tại phường Phong Khê, CCN Phú Lâm, xã Văn Môn.

Cận cảnh đồi thông có nguy cơ sạt lở đe dọa khoảng 60 hộ dân


Lâm Đồng – Cơ quan chức năng lên phương án bảo đảm an toàn cho người dân sống dưới khu vực đồi thông đang tiềm ẩn nguy cơ cao xảy ra sạt lở đất.

Hệ lụy tiềm ẩn từ việc phụ huynh lạm dụng kháng sinh cho trẻ

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

Việc lạm dụng kháng sinh cho trẻ em đang trở thành mối lo ngại lớn, với nguy cơ kháng thuốc và các tác dụng phụ nghiêm trọng.

Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

Chính sách thu hút đầu tư và cơ chế ưu đãi của Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng nhận được sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng doanh nghiệp.

Bac Ha urgently evacuates many households from landslide area

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - 5 households in Bao Nhai commune (Bac Ha) whose houses were damaged by landslides and affected the structure, with the potential risk of collapse, have been relocated to a safe place.

Construction to prevent landslides, bomb discovered near the foot of the bridge


Ha Tinh - During the construction of the embankment project to prevent landslides on the Ngan Mo riverbank through Cam Due commune (Cam Xuyen district), the construction unit discovered a bomb near Cho Vuc bridge.

Urgently evacuate 1 household from landslide area in Lam Dong


Lam Dong - Loc Thanh Commune, Bao Lam District has just urgently evacuated a household from the landslide area to ensure safety.