On December 31, the Economic and Drug Crime Investigation Police Team, Quang Ngai City Police informed that Quang Ngai City Police had just conducted an inspection and discovered that a bean sprout production facility in Nghia Chanh Ward owned by Ms. D.T.T. (born in 1978) used the chemical 6 Benzylaminopurine to mix into the bean sprout soaking water. This type of 6-Benzylaminopurine is not on the list of substances permitted for use in food production. Currently, Quang Ngai City Police are completing the dossier and handling it according to regulations.
In mid-October 2024, Quang Ngai City Police also prosecuted 2 cases, 2 defendants produced bean sprouts in the city using the above chemicals for violating food safety regulations, as prescribed in Article 317 of the Penal Code.
Quang Ngai City Police also informed that in the coming time, they will continue to strengthen inspection and handling of violations of food safety regulations, especially establishments producing bean sprouts, spring rolls and vermicelli in the area.