On the morning of December 21, the Investigation Police Agency of La Gi Town Police, Binh Thuan Province, announced that it had completed the investigation of the scene of the fatal accident in the area.
The accident occurred on Highway 719 through Tan Tien Commune, La Gi Town, Binh Thuan Province. At that time, a motorbike with license plate 86B6 - 268.11 driven by Mr. N.D.T (born in 1991), a local resident, collided with a tractor running on the road.
The strong collision crushed the front of the motorbike, the man was thrown onto the road, was taken to the emergency room by people but died later.
The Investigation Police Agency of La Gi Town Police, Binh Thuan Province, came to examine the scene to investigate and clarify the accident.
Previously, on the evening of December 18, on National Highway 28, through Ham Thuan Bac district, a motorbike accident also occurred with a tractor, causing the teenage male rider to die on the spot.