The mysterious fate of the ghost ship drifting freely into Ninh Thuan sea

Hữu Long |

Ninh Thuan - A ship washed ashore has been sought out by young people to take photos. Few people know that this ship has a troubled fate, and the owner has lost contact.

Check-in with the "ghost" ship on the beach

In the coastal area of ​​Bai Thong, Vinh Truong village, Phuoc Dinh commune, Thuan Nam district, an abandoned ship appeared in late February 2023. Since then, Bai Thong beach has become famous, a check-in destination for many young people when traveling to Ninh Thuan.

This ship is about 400 - 500 meters from the shore. Every time the tide recedes, visitors can wade close to where the ship ran aground to watch and take souvenir photos.

Con tau ma tai huyen Thuan Nam tro thanh diem den cua du khach. Anh: Thinh Nguyen
The ghost ship in Thuan Nam district has become a tourist destination. Photo: Thinh Nguyen

Besides those who love to explore, there are also many tourists who wonder about the origin of this ghost ship. Where did the ship worth tens of billions of dong come from, why did it drift away, and why didn’t the owner take it back?

According to Lao Dong's investigation, the ship is named Thanh Hung 06, owned by Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited (length 79.8 m, total engine capacity 1000 CV) with a tonnage of 4,563 tons from Ho Chi Minh City. According to the report of Phuoc Dinh Commune Border Guard Station, Thanh Hung 06 ship ran aground on Phuoc Dinh coast for more than 1 year and 6 months.

On February 26, 2023, Thanh Hung 06 ship traveled from Nhon Trach/Dong Nai port to Cam Ranh/Khanh Hoa port. When the ship reached Bai Thong area, it encountered a rudder failure.

The weather at that time was very rough and windy (about level 7, level 8), so the ship drifted and ran aground on the shore. Currently, the ship has a hole in the bottom, is flooded, and has a broken rudder.

At the time of the accident, there were about 500 liters of oil left on the ship (in the oil tank). The owner of the vessel made plans to pull the ship out of the shoal but failed, so he pumped the oil out of the oil tank to avoid the risk of an oil spill.

Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited (vehicle owner) sent a representative to coordinate with local authorities and functional forces to discuss a rescue plan to pull Thanh Hung 06 ship out of the stranded location.

But after having a plan, the cost of rescuing the ship from the stranded position was high, plus Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited was operating at a loss and was unable to pay the salvage costs. Since then, the towing of the ship from the stranded position has not been carried out.

Cong ty chu quan cua con tau Thanh Hung 06 chua dua tau ra khoi vi tri mac can. Anh: Huu Long
The company managing the Thanh Hung 06 ship has not yet removed the ship from its stranded position. Photo: Huu Long

Lost contact with ship owner company

Currently, Thanh Hung 06 ship has been mortgaged to the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam - Nha Be Branch (Ho Chi Minh City).

According to the report of the People's Committee of Thuan Nam district, the enforcement agencies of Ho Chi Minh City and Ninh Thuan province have handled the mortgaged assets of Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited, to enforce for the bank with the amount of more than 50 billion VND.

Vi bi bo hoang lau nen Tau Thanh Hung 06 xuong cap, hu hong. Anh: Huu Long
Because it was abandoned for a long time, Thanh Hung 06 ship has deteriorated and is damaged. Photo: Huu Long

During the execution of the judgment, the authorities found that Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited was no longer operating at address No. 7, Street 14, Nam Phan residential area, Tan Thuan Dong ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

The enforcement officer called and notified many times but received no response from the judgment debtor, Thanh Hung Real Estate Trading Company Limited.

In addition, the legal representative, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son - Director, could not be contacted.

On April 19, the Civil Judgment Enforcement Branch of Thuan Nam District organized the enforcement of property against Thanh Hung 06 Ship. Currently, Thanh Hung 06 Ship is in the process of being auctioned by Dong Nam Joint Stock Auction Company (Ho Chi Minh City), with a starting price of more than 10.2 billion VND.

Hữu Long

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