Bac Giang residents wade through neck-deep water to receive relief supplies

Hoàng Bằng - Hương Giang |

People in village 5 Da Hoi, Hop Thinh commune, Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province wade through neck-deep water to receive charity and relief gifts from benefactors.

More than a week after making landfall in the northern provinces of our country, storm No. 3 (Yagi) still left behind consequences and heavy damage to the people. Up to now, many localities have not been able to stabilize their lives, many areas are still struggling with floods, waiting for relief from authorities and benefactors.

Hiep Hoa district has some communes along the Cau River that have been seriously affected, especially in Da Hoi and Dong Dao villages, Hop Thinh commune where many houses are deeply submerged in water. Currently, Da Hoi village has 230 households, many houses are deeply submerged in water, there is one case of being swept away by water.

Nguoi dan loi nuoc sau den co ra ngoai ngo den nhan do tu thien. Anh: Hoang Bang
People wade through neck-deep water to get to the alley to receive relief supplies. Photo: Hoang Bang

The entire crop area of ​​about 30 hectares of the village was submerged in water. Many people in Da Hoi village said that this flood was much higher than the peak of the flood in 1971. Although they had prepared in advance, the flood water came at night, leaving them unable to react.

"Because the water flooded at night, we couldn't run fast enough. We were able to run away with the rice, but the refrigerator, washing machine, and motorbike were all submerged" - a resident shared.

In Da Hoi village 5, Hop Thinh commune, Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province, people had to wade from their houses to the alley, with water up to their necks, to receive gifts and food bags from benefactors.

Image of people wading through neck-deep water to receive relief supplies from individuals and charitable organizations. Image recorded on September 14 and 15, 2024.

"The house is completely flooded, my wife can't move around, now I have to stay home and look after her all the time, inside there are 2 cars that are completely flooded, can't move anything, my wife and children can't move so they can't run in time" - a resident of Da Hoi village shared.

With the determination to protect people's lives above all else, local authorities, military and police forces have been working hard to evacuate households to safety.

At the starting point of the road, functional forces are focusing on using motorboats to continuously transport food, drinking water and other supplies to those still trapped in the village; at the same time, continuing to evacuate people from the flooded area.

Mr. Nguyen Hong Tuyen, Vice Chairman of Hop Thinh Commune People's Committee, said that the commune has arranged secondary and primary schools for people to stay; at the same time, it has arranged two backup locations for the commune's primary school and kindergarten.

Doan tu thien boi xuong mang do cuu tro den nguoi dan, duoi su chi dao va tro giup cua chinh quyen dia phuong. Anh: Hoang Bang
Charity groups rowed boats to bring relief supplies to the people, under the guidance and assistance of local authorities. Photo: Hoang Bang

Faced with this situation, many individuals and organizations have been and are heading to Bac Giang to support and help people affected by storms and floods.

Mr. Truong Thai Phi - representative of Tam An Club (Hanoi) who is directly providing relief to the people here shared: "Seeing the people suffering and struggling to live in the flood water like that, we are very heartbroken. We can only contribute a little bit of our strength, whatever we can contribute to help the people. We will try to go to many places, communes and districts of the provinces affected by the storm and flood, to contribute to help the people overcome the consequences soon."

Currently, the water has gradually receded, however, Hiep Hoa is still the most heavily flooded area in Bac Giang province due to the impact of storm No. 3.

Hoàng Bằng - Hương Giang

Bệnh về da sau mưa lũ gia tăng đáng kể

Thùy Linh |

Nấm chân tay, viêm lỗ chân lông, hắc lào, lang ben, ghẻ lở và mụn nhọt... là các bệnh ngoài da thường gặp trong mùa bão lụt và mưa lũ.

Nhân dân vùng lũ đang cần cứu trợ những gì, ở đâu?

Hương Giang |

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Làm từ thiện không trung thực là vi phạm đạo đức, pháp luật


PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

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Còn vướng mắc thi hành 3 luật mới về thị trường bất động sản

Thạch Lam |

Mặc dù hàng loạt nghị định, thông tư hướng dẫn được ban hành nhưng việc thi hành 3 luật về thị trường bất động sản vẫn còn những khó khăn nhất định.

2 công ty gạch ở Đồng Nai nợ lương khoảng 200 công nhân


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Cận cảnh trung tâm nông nghiệp phớt lờ lệnh trả đất

Lam Thanh |

Dù bị yêu cầu di chuyển tài sản, bàn giao đất trong tháng 8.2024 nhưng đến nay chủ đầu tư Dự án Trung tâm Nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao tại TP Thái Nguyên vẫn chưa thực hiện.

Skin diseases after floods increase significantly

Thùy Linh |

Foot and hand fungus, folliculitis, ringworm, pityriasis versicolor, scabies and boils... are common skin diseases during storm and flood season.

What relief do people in flooded areas need and where?

Hương Giang |

To contribute to better resolving the chaos of relief resources for people in flood-hit areas, some notable messages have been given.

Doing charity dishonestly is a violation of ethics and the law


Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Ngoc Trung shared stories about humanity and charity after storm No. 3.