Workers returning to their hometown in Dong Thap are happy because they have jobs right away

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Dong Thap - Once thought that they could only work in big cities, now workers are happy to return to their hometowns to work with a salary of around 10 million VND/month.

Open arms to welcome workers back

Many years of studying and working in Ho Chi Minh City were a valuable time for female worker Le Thi Thao Nhi (23 years old, Thap Muoi district, Dong Thap province) to strive for her own goals. However, when faced with an increasingly competitive labor market, Nhi chose to return to her hometown Dong Thap to be able to reunite with her family.

"The high cost of living and the harsh working environment made me feel sad and miss my peaceful hometown. I also believed that when I returned home, I would find a good job. Luckily, I was connected to a job near my home by the Dong Thap Employment Service Center (TTDVVL) right after that," said Ms. Nhi.

Ms. Nhi (right cover) is working as a garment worker in Thap Muoi district. Photo: Luc Tung

From that connection, Ms. Nhi quickly became a packaging worker at Dai Phat Garments Company Limited (My Dong Commune, Thap Muoi District). In the early days, the atmosphere was quite friendly and open, helping her quickly adapt to the new job. With a salary of around 10 million VND/month (depending on productivity) along with many levels of support for gasoline, accommodation... Ms. Nhi felt like she had thrown away her worries about farming.

"It's not only the fresh air and close relationships, but also more time to be close to family. All of these will bring warmth and relieve all stress after a tiring day at work" - Ms. Nhi confided

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Han - CEO, Dai Phat Garments Company Limited - talked with Lao Dong Newspaper reporter.

Expressing satisfaction with Nhi's spirit and working attitude, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Han - CEO of Dai Phat Garments Company Limited - highly appreciated the connection work of Dong Thap Service and Labor Center. The Center not only supports businesses in connecting many quality workers, but also visits and encourages workers to have more motivation to work with high productivity, contributing to the good development of the company.

"We have a stable source of goods and at the same time have policies to attract workers, especially those who work far away from home. The company pays wages based on time but receives products, accordingly, unskilled workers will have their living conditions guaranteed, while skilled workers will have the opportunity to strive for better salaries (from 10 to 15 million VND/month)" - Ms. Han said.

Continue to bridge

Phien giao dich viec lam cua Trung tam DVVL Dong Thap tro thanh dia chi than quen cua nhieu nguoi lao dong tim viec lam. Anh: TTDVVL Dong Thap.
The job fair of Dong Thap Employment Service Center has become a familiar address for many workers looking for jobs. Photo: Dong Thap Employment Service Center

In fact, Ms. Nhi is one of hundreds of workers who have been oriented by Dong Thap province to find jobs with the motto "happiness right at home", working towards sustainable growth.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Hieu - Director of Dong Thap Employment Service Center - shared that jobs in Dong Thap are in a state of local surplus - shortage. While some industries and occupations such as food processing, foodstuffs, and seafood have a large demand for labor but are difficult to recruit, on the contrary, many untrained workers go to work outside the province after a difficult time adapting, return to Dong Thap to submit documents for high unemployment benefits but have difficulty finding jobs.

“In addition to strengthening the work of creating bridges for many workers to find jobs with stable income. From 2024, we will innovate propaganda work in the direction of making people understand and voluntarily participate in the job chain in Dong Thap,” said Mr. Hieu.

Nhan vien Trung tam Dich vu viec lam Dong Thap tu van cho nguoi lao dong tim viec lam moi. Anh: TTDVVL Dong Thap
Dong Thap Employment Service Center staff advise workers on finding new jobs. Photo: Dong Thap Employment Service Center

As a result, from the beginning of 2024 to now, the whole province has organized 23 job fairs, attracting 358 businesses with more than 6,800 workers and students to attend. Through the fairs, jobs have been created for more than 36,500 workers.

This is considered an outstanding achievement of Dong Thap in the context that many localities in the Mekong Delta are struggling with a paradox: Localities need to recruit workers but find it difficult to recruit. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed workers is very high.

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh

9 tháng, giải quyết việc làm đạt 121,6% chỉ tiêu năm 2024

Thanh Mai |

Đến tháng 9, Trung tâm Dịch vụ việc làm Đồng Tháp đã giải quyết việc làm cho hơn 36.500 lao động, đạt 121,6% chỉ tiêu năm 2024.

Doanh nghiệp ở Đồng Tháp hỗ trợ 100% Bữa cơm Công đoàn

Thanh Nhàn |

Doanh nghiệp thuộc Khu Công nghiệp tỉnh Đồng Tháp đã hỗ trợ 100% Bữa cơm Công đoàn cho 2.300 lao động.

Giúp người lao động hạnh phúc ngay quê nhà

Lâm Điền |

Trung tâm Dịch vụ việc làm (DVVL) Đồng Tháp đổi mới tuyên truyền giúp người lao động hạnh phúc ngay quê nhà, góp phần thu hút đầu tư…

Lao động Đồng Tháp hạnh phúc hồi hương, có việc ổn định

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Đồng Tháp - Với nhiều chủ trương thiết thực, hiệu quả, Đồng Tháp không chỉ kết nối mà còn giúp người lao động hồi hương tìm thấy hạnh phúc ngay quê nhà.

Ôm mộng làm KOL, KOC kiếm tiền tỉ


Choáng ngợp trước doanh số được các kênh bán hàng tự công bố, không ít người ôm mộng bỏ việc làm hiện tại, chuyển hướng trở thành KOL, KOC để kiếm tiền tỉ.

Lãi tiền tỉ khi chốt mua nhà trong ngõ Hà Nội sau vài năm

Minh Anh |

Hà Nội - Nhiều chủ sở hữu đã lãi hàng tỉ đồng sau khi chốt mua nhà trong ngõ tại Thủ đô chỉ sau vài năm, dù hiện trạng công trình đã xuống cấp nghiêm trọng.

Milton thần tốc trở thành siêu bão mạnh nhất hành tinh 2024

Thanh Hà |

Siêu bão Milton tăng vọt 5 cấp trong 24 giờ thành cơn bão mạnh nhất hành tinh năm 2024. Cơn bão này khiến giới dự báo bão bàng hoàng.

Giáng Son tiết lộ điều ít biết về "Hà Nội 12 mùa hoa"

Linh Chi - Việt Anh |

Để viết nên những lời ca trong "Hà Nội 12 mùa hoa", nữ nhạc sĩ đã ấp ủ cả chục năm và mất khoảng 2 tiếng để chắt lọc những ca từ tuyệt đẹp.

9 months, job creation reached 121.6% of 2024 target

Thanh Mai |

By September, Dong Thap Employment Service Center had created jobs for more than 36,500 workers, reaching 121.6% of the 2024 target.

Enterprises in Dong Thap support 100% of Union Meals

Thanh Nhàn |

Enterprises in Dong Thap Province Industrial Park have supported 100% of Union Meals for 2,300 workers.

Help workers be happy at home

Lâm Điền |

Dong Thap Employment Service Center (DVVL) innovates propaganda to help workers be happy at home, contributing to attracting investment...