Many roads in Ninh Binh were eroded and damaged due to floods


Due to the impact of storm No. 3 (Yagi), floods and landslides have damaged nearly 2km of roads in localities in Ninh Binh.

According to the report of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee on the damage caused by storm No. 3 and floods, the whole province of Ninh Binh has nearly 2km of roads eroded and damaged; 34.87km of roads flooded. The whole province of Ninh Binh has about 2.75km of grade III or higher dikes and 3.2km of grade IV or lower dikes eroded, cracked and have extrusion lines; over 5.5km of canals and 4 pumping stations damaged.

At landslide and damaged traffic points, local authorities and functional forces have placed warning signs to prevent vehicles and people from passing through this area.

Mot diem sat lo duong giao thong tai thon Quang Mao, xa Thach Binh, huyen Nho Quan (Ninh Binh. Anh: Nguyen Truong
A landslide on a traffic road in Quang Mao village, Thach Binh commune, Nho Quan district (Ninh Binh). Photo: Nguyen Truong

In addition, 4,923 houses were flooded in the province and 319 houses had to be urgently evacuated. In the whole province, 6 schools were affected, 5 medical facilities and cultural works were damaged.

The storm and flood also affected and damaged 2,115.8 hectares of rice and 304.8 hectares of crops of people in Ninh Binh. In the whole Ninh Binh province, over 6,450 livestock and poultry were killed or swept away. About 3,000 hectares of traditional fish ponds, 26 hectares of catfish farming area, and 133 hectares of shrimp farming were damaged.

According to Mr. Tran Song Tung - Vice Chairman of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee, the total damage caused by storm No. 3 and floods in Ninh Binh province is about 380 billion VND.

The Ninh Binh Provincial Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue is focusing on overcoming the consequences, requiring 100% of the Steering Committee members to go to the field according to assigned tasks, coordinating with districts and cities to direct the work of overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3 and the floods after the storm.

Tai cac diem sat lo, chinh quyen dia phuong va luc luong chuc nang da cam bien canh bao. Anh: Nguyen Truong
At landslide sites, local authorities and functional forces have put up warning signs. Photo: Nguyen Truong

Party committees and local authorities have focused on directing and mobilizing military and police officers, mass organizations, and militia and self-defense forces to help people overcome the consequences caused by storms and floods.

At the same time, focus on mobilizing forces and means to repair and overcome incidents related to dykes, traffic, and construction. Focus on directing the handling of disinfection, sterilization, ensuring environmental sanitation, hygienic water, disease prevention for humans and livestock, and poultry, to prevent epidemics from occurring.

Ninh Binh province has also directed the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and other functional departments and branches of the province, based on their functions and tasks, to establish delegations to localities to direct the work of overcoming consequences and restoring production.


Thêm 1 làng gần 100 người ở Quảng Nam bị sạt lở uy hiếp

Hoàng Bin |

Huyện Nam Trà My, Quảng Nam tiếp tục di dời khẩn cấp 26 hộ dân, 95 nhân khẩu, do sạt lở đất đá tràn vào khu dân cư.

Mưa lũ làm sạt lở hàng trăm điểm trên quốc lộ ở Thanh Hóa


Mưa lũ kéo dài đã làm sạt lở hàng trăm điểm trên các tuyến quốc lộ của tỉnh Thanh Hóa khiến giao thông bị ách tắc.

Thanh Hóa sơ tán hơn 2.000 hộ dân phòng tránh lũ, sạt lở

Trần Lâm |

Đến đầu giờ chiều ngày 23.9, các địa phương trên địa bàn tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã sơ tán hơn 2.000 hộ dân.

Đắp chiếu cả thập kỉ, nhà máy ôtô Thái Nguyên chờ khai tử

Việt Bắc |

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Lam Duy |

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Thụy Sĩ giải cứu 2 nhà leo núi Việt Nam ở độ cao hơn 3.500m

Song Minh |

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Quảng Nam sơ tán khẩn cấp hàng trăm người dân vì sạt lở

Hoàng Bin |

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Cựu TGĐ Vạn Thịnh Phát muốn dùng tiền lương trả cho trái chủ

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Sáng 25.9, TAND TPHCM tiếp tục xét hỏi về hành vi “Rửa tiền” và “Vận chuyển tiền tệ trái phép qua biên giới” trong vụ án Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2.

Another village of nearly 100 people in Quang Nam is threatened by landslides

Hoàng Bin |

Nam Tra My District, Quang Nam continues to urgently evacuate 26 households, 95 people, due to landslides that flooded into residential areas.

Floods cause landslides at hundreds of points on national highways in Thanh Hoa


Prolonged rain and floods have caused landslides at hundreds of points on national highways in Thanh Hoa province, causing traffic congestion.

Thanh Hoa evacuated more than 2,000 households to prevent floods and landslides

Trần Lâm |

By early afternoon on September 23, localities in Thanh Hoa province had evacuated more than 2,000 households.