Thanh Hoa evacuated more than 2,000 households to prevent floods and landslides

Trần Lâm |

By early afternoon on September 23, localities in Thanh Hoa province had evacuated more than 2,000 households.

After the circulation of storm No. 3, continuous heavy rain since September 20, combined with the regulation of flood discharge from upstream hydroelectric reservoirs, water levels on major rivers in Thanh Hoa such as Ma River, Chu River, and Len River all rose very quickly, exceeding alert level 2.

Flooding and landslides occurred in low-lying areas and mountainous areas in the west of Thanh Hoa province.

To promptly prevent, according to a quick report from localities, as of early afternoon on September 23, localities in the province had proactively organized the evacuation of more than 2,000 households with nearly 6,000 people to safe locations.

Urgently helping people evacuate in Muong Lat district. Photo: Tran Lam

According to the Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control of Cam Thuy District, the district has organized a serious on-duty shift, issued telegrams and sent members of the Steering Committee directly to the assigned units to direct flood and storm prevention and control work according to regulations. At the same time, well prepared "4 on-site" to promptly evacuate people from flooded areas to safe places, and carry out security and order protection work at departure and arrival places for households that have to evacuate.

During the day, Tam Thanh Border Guard Station coordinated with the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Disaster Prevention of Quan Son district and Tam Thanh and Tam Lu communes to evacuate hundreds of households to safe locations.

Quang Chieu Border Guard Station (Muong Lat) also mobilized 30 officers and soldiers to coordinate with local authorities and propaganda and mobilization forces to help people evacuate people and property.

Currently, in the two communes of Quang Chieu and Muong Chanh, it is still raining, the water from the source is constantly pouring in, rising rapidly. Working groups and teams are on duty 24/7 in the areas, ready to rescue, help people and ensure absolute safety when performing tasks.

The water level of the Ma River rose, and communes along the left dike of the Ma River in Hoang Hoa district mobilized forces to quickly evacuate people and production households in low-lying areas outside the Ma River dike to safe locations.

As of 1:00 p.m. on September 23, 21 households in high-risk areas have been relocated.

In Yen Dinh, due to the impact of heavy, prolonged rain and flood discharge from Cam Thuy 1 Hydropower Plant, in Yen Dinh district, communes along Ma River and Cau Chay River were affected, especially the areas outside the dike of Yen Tho, Dinh Tien, Dinh Cong communes, Quy Loc town, flood water rose high, with the risk of severe flooding.

Authorities have helped 15 households in Tu Muc 2 hamlet, Yen Tho commune, whose houses were flooded, evacuate people, property and livestock to safety; Dinh Cong commune has 13 households outside the dike affected, of which 5 households whose houses were flooded are being evacuated...

Nguoi dan phia ngoai de Yen Dinh hau nhu nam nao cung phai doi mat voi lu. Anh: Tran Lam
People outside Yen Dinh dike often face floods. Photo: Tran Lam

According to the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control of Thanh Hoa province, by the end of the morning of September 23, more than 100 houses in mountainous districts such as Quan Son, Quan Hoa, Muong Lat, Lang Chanh, and Ba Thuoc were damaged by landslides; 7 schools had to evacuate students; dozens of hectares of crops were flooded and damaged; traffic infrastructure was severely damaged; landslides on positive and negative slopes, landslides on road surfaces at 178 locations with a length of 162m (National Highways 15, 15C, 16, 217, 47), causing traffic jams, cutting off and isolating many localities in the province.

Trần Lâm

Mường Lát sơ tán hàng trăm hộ dân, nhiều bản làng bị cô lập


Do mưa lớn gây sạt lở, nước lũ dâng cao, huyện Mường Lát, tỉnh Thanh Hóa, đã sơ tán hàng trăm hộ dân đến nơi an toàn.

Thanh Hóa sơ tán hàng chục hộ dân khỏi nơi nguy hiểm


Thanh Hóa - Mưa lũ diễn ra phức tạp, hàng chục hộ dân tại huyện biên giới Mường Lát đã được sơ tán khẩn cấp khỏi nơi nguy hiểm.

‘Sơ tán nhằm đảm bảo tính mạng nhân dân’


Chính quyền, cán bộ các địa phương tại tỉnh Quảng Bình đã triển khai các phương án ứng phó, đặc biệt là công tác sơ tán, bảo vệ tính mạng của nhân dân.

Đề xuất một mức ưu đãi thuế thu nhập chung cho báo chí


Chủ nhiệm Ủy ban Văn hóa - Giáo dục của Quốc hội đề nghị một mức ưu đãi thuế thu nhập chung cho báo in, báo điện tử và các loại hình báo chí khác.

Người dân Thanh Hóa đổ xô ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ


Thanh Hóa - Nước từ thượng nguồn đổ về khiến mực nước sông Mã dâng cao, nhiều người dân ở TP Thanh Hóa đã tập trung ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ.

Dân nói bị tai nạn do dự án rào chắn sơ sài?


HUẾ - Đơn vị thi công nói gì về Dự án mở rộng đường Phạm Văn Đồng (TP Huế) che chắn sơ sài, đã có nhiều vụ tai nạn nghiêm trọng xảy ra.

Lý do bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil chiếm dụng được 219 tỉ đồng

Việt Dũng |

Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh - Chủ tịch kiêm Giám đốc Công ty Xuyên Việt Oil bị cáo buộc không nộp 219 tỉ đồng tiền Quỹ Bình ổn giá xăng dầu cho Nhà nước.

Nhiều mặt hàng tỉ USD của Việt Nam băng băng sang đất Mỹ

Cường Ngô |

Trong 8 tháng năm 2024, kim ngạch thương mại hai chiều giữa Việt Nam và Mỹ đạt 87,7 tỉ USD, tăng trưởng mạnh cả ở chiều xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu.

Muong Lat evacuated hundreds of households, many villages were isolated


Due to heavy rain causing landslides and rising floodwaters, Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa province, evacuated hundreds of households to safety.

Thanh Hoa evacuated dozens of households from dangerous areas


Thanh Hoa - Floods are complicated, dozens of households in the border district of Muong Lat have been urgently evacuated from dangerous areas.

'Evacuation to ensure people's lives'


Local authorities and officials in Quang Binh province have deployed response plans, especially evacuation and protection of people's lives.