Struggling to live because of a project that has been suspended for 28 years

Viên Nguyễn |

For 28 years living under a suspended planning situation, the people of Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward, Quang Ngai City have been waiting wearily for the Thach Bich green park project to be implemented. The suspended planning has made the lives of the people miserable, because their houses are dilapidated and they suffer in many ways.

Sustainable hanging project

Over the past few days, dozens of households in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward, Quang Ngai City have come to the headquarters of the Quang Ngai Provincial People's Committee to request provincial leaders to remove obstacles for the people. For the past 28 years, 160 households with more than 600 people in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward have had to live in a suspended planning area, causing dilapidated houses, making people's lives difficult and disadvantaged in many ways.

Accordingly, in 1997, from the local proposal, the Prime Minister approved the planning project of the 2nd dike area of ​​Quang Ngai town (old). In 2008, the People's Committee of Quang Ngai province signed the approval to adjust the planning of the 2nd dike area to become the Quang Ngai Provincial Administrative Center.

In order to resettle people living in the project area, in 2015, the Provincial People's Committee approved investment in a new urban area to serve resettlement in Zone II of the dike, and investment in traffic works along the dike. The project is divided into two phases with an investment of 273 billion VND, the total land acquisition area is 15 hectares. However, the resettlement project for people has only been partially implemented due to problems in compensation and site clearance. The project has been surveyed and adjusted many times but is still unfinished, causing frustration among the people.

In early 2023, the People's Committee of Quang Ngai City developed a plan to adjust the planning of the remaining area of ​​the dike zone II, and at the same time issued Decision 918/QD-UBND approving in detail 1/500 of the dike residential area into the Thach Bich Green Park Area.

Speaking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Ms. Phung Thi Ly in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward confided: "One person after another promised to implement the project and remove the suspended planning, but for the past 28 years they have refused to do so."

The 28-year-old planning suspension has left the houses of 160 households in disarray. The residential land cannot be divided into plots. The traffic routes in the neighborhood are still dirt roads, muddy and damp in the rainy season. Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Phuong in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward lamented: “Because of the planning suspension, my husband, wife and two grandchildren have to squeeze into a level 4 house, hot and leaky in the sun and rain. Every time there is a storm, my whole family and many households in the neighborhood have to run everywhere to take shelter from the storm. Now we only hope that the government will arrange resettlement and move people to new places.”

Vuong quy hoach treo, khien gia dinh ba Phung Thi Ly o to 6, phuong Le Hong Phong (TP Quang Ngai) song trong can nha xuong cap. Anh: Vien Nguyen
Stuck in a suspended planning, Ms. Phung Thi Ly's family in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward (Quang Ngai City) has to live in a dilapidated house. Photo: Vien Nguyen

Start date unknown

After waiting wearily, but still not seeing any resettlement arrangements and relocation to a new place, in March 2024, people in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward, went to State agencies to request a solution.

In this context, on March 14, 2024, at the working session between the Provincial Party Standing Committee and the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of Conclusion No. 2043 dated December 5, 2023 of the 14th Provincial Party Conference (term XX) on the socio-economic development tasks in 2024 in the province, Ms. Bui Thi Quynh Van - Secretary of the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee - affirmed the viewpoint of the Provincial Party Standing Committee is not to stop the Thach Bich green park project but to continue to implement it on the basis of ensuring full procedures according to the provisions of law.

"We will arrange funding and phase investment for the Thach Bich green park project in accordance with public investment regulations," Ms. Bui Thi Quynh Van emphasized at the above meeting.

On the morning of September 12, 2024, Lao Dong Newspaper reporter contacted Ms. Bui Thi Quynh Van and asked: When will the Thach Bich green park project start? When will the people in Group 6, Le Hong Phong Ward be resettled to escape the situation of living in a suspended planning area for 28 years? However, there has been no response from Ms. Bui Thi Quynh Van.

According to a source from Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, on July 22, 2024, at the Conference of the Standing Committee of the Quang Ngai City Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Quang Ngai City Party Committee concluded: Agree on the investment policy of the Thach Bich green park project as proposed by the Quang Ngai City People's Committee. Assign the Quang Ngai City People's Committee to receive the opinions of the members of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee at the conference, complete the content to submit to the Quang Ngai City People's Council for consideration and decision as a basis for implementation, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Viên Nguyễn

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