Thanh Hoa announces another landslide emergency situation

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hoa - On October 1, the Provincial People's Committee announced another landslide emergency situation.

Accordingly, the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province announced an emergency situation of landslide on the right bank of Am river (Ngoc Phung commune, Thuong Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province).

Due to the impact of floods, especially floods caused by storm No. 3 in 2024, heavy rain occurred in Thuong Xuan district.

In Xuan Thang village and Hung Long village (Ngoc Phung commune), the water level of Am river rose, the current was strong, causing erosion of riverbank sections with a total landslide length of about 1,100m.

In Hung Long village, the deepest landslide is about 50m, the length of the landslide is about 650m; there is a risk of endangering the lives and property of 77 households/346 people, 2.4km of residential roads, 35kV power line, siphon canal (TX17), 3 valve houses of the Nam Song Chu and Bac Song Ma canal systems, 30ha of agricultural land (16ha of sugarcane, 14ha of rice) and 2 cemeteries of the village.

Landslides in this area tend to develop in a complex and unpredictable manner, especially when there is rain and flooding.

Chinh quyen dia phuong dat bien cap tai dia diem sat truot tai thon Hung Long,
Local authorities placed a no-entry sign at the emergency landslide site in Hung Long village, Ngoc Phung commune, Thuong Xuan district. Photo: Tran Lam

To ensure the safety of people and property, the Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee assigned the People's Committee of Thuong Xuan district to immediately deploy necessary measures to ensure the safety of people and property of households living in the landslide affected area.

Absolutely do not allow people, vehicles, or animals to enter dangerous areas, especially when there is rain or flood. Urgently develop, approve, and implement response plans in accordance with regulations, ensuring the safety of people and property according to the "4 on-site" motto; implement appropriate reinforcement measures to limit the development of landslides.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Construction and related units, according to their functions, tasks and powers, coordinate and guide the People's Committee of Thuong Xuan district to organize implementation to ensure compliance with regulations.

Previously, Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee also announced an emergency situation of landslides and dike seepage in Ba Thuoc, Lang Chanh, and Vinh Loc.

The declaration of the emergency is based on the facts and forecasts of dangerous landslides by the authorities. From this declaration, the locality and relevant sectors urgently take effective prevention and control measures.

Trần Lâm

Thanh Hóa công bố hàng loạt tình huống khẩn cấp do mưa lũ


Thanh Hóa - Do ảnh hưởng, thiệt hại của mưa lũ, tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã công bố nhiều tình huống khẩn cấp tại các địa phương, đặc biệt là các huyện miền núi.

Công bố tình huống khẩn cấp sau sự cố rò rỉ bờ đê sông Mã


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Đoàn Hưng |

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Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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Thanh Hoa announces a series of emergency situations due to floods


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Emergency evacuation in flooded areas in Thanh Hoa


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